Things that Make U Go "hmmmm'

How is it that i’m so much better on the weekends and when i’m off than during the week? hmmmmm

  • Am i stressed at work?  No, only now and again but not as a rule
  • Do i dislike my job?  No…there are frustrating moments, but in general, i can’t complain one bit
  • Am i under pressure?  Nope…i have deadlines, but i know when they are and work toward them
hmmm…so what the problem is?!?!? (loved Martin Lawrence in National Security)
i don’t spend a whole lot of time thinking/wondering about it – it’s just 1 of those things that i’ll never understand, but 1 of my theories is that my body doesn’t like being jarred awake at some ungodly hour and have to start moving prior to when it’s actually ready to get up.
I do have a slightly different pill schedule.  I take the pill that puts me to sleep in the morning when i don’t have to wake up for work…maybe that’s it?  who the hell knows..if that’s the reason i’ll just have to move right along because there is no way i can take the sleepy pill in the morning during the week – i can’t afford to be knocked out on conference calls and such.

Today i’m off and i’m much better than if i were logged on at my desk.  Maybe it’s because i spend the entire day sitting at my desk working as opposed to being up and moving about every now and again during the day when i’m off?  again, who the hell knows…

i just chalk it up as 1 of those MS unknowns and roll with it…



Every now and again, i would go back and read old posts and the other day, i came across this one, Not Sold. i wrote that soon after i’d gotten the cane.  well, HAH!!  once again, it’s funny how ur perspective on things can change as time goes by.

About 2 weeks ago, my manager asked me if i’m using my cane and my response was, “oh yes i am!  I can’t imagine going anywhere without it; i think i’d be like a fish out of water without it!”

These days i can safely say without a doubt that it helps me (unlike what i wrote in that post).  i really shudder at the thought of going anywhere without it.    It used to be that i would kinda feel self conscious of the fact that i was walking with a cane.  Now???  u couldn’t pay me to walk without it!

Whether it’s a good or bad thing, the cane has become my “third leg” and unfortunately for me,  i need 3 to get around!


Y Can't that B Me II

i am envious when I see people exercising!  

Again, who woulda thunk it!?!?  Anyone who knows me, knows just how much i used to HATE the gym and NEVER really looked forward to working out.  In fact, when i was dancing, i was happiest because that alone is a workout and because i was having a good time doing it, i never really thought of dance as a workout per se.

Even when my neuro told me (years ago) that exercise is important while managing MS, i still needed some type of motivation and couldn’t get it together to get started on some sort of regular program.  At some point, i realized that the only thing that would get me going and keep at it consistently was to hire a personal trainer.

These days, I’ve actually gotten to a point where i like working out with Reggie (*gasp*, did i just say that out loud???).  I go to a small gym, not a Golds, Ballys type place.  There are about 4 or 5 studios in which the trainer and the client workout together one on one.  The studios are only used by 1 client at a time, so u really have the trainer’s undivided attention for the time that you’re there.  Even though the place is used/setup like that, sometimes u can see what others might be doing if u’re there at the same time.  While i do get my money’s worth, I have limitations so there’s a whole lotta shit that i can’t do.  well, when i see other people doing such things, i look at them and again think, “*sigh*, wish i could do that!”  of course, some of the exercises, i could try…but then i’d probably spend the entire 45 mins just to do 1 rep!!!  (may not be a good idea. SO not a good use of my money).


just another 1 of those things…

Y Can’t that B Me II

i am envious when I see people exercising!  

Again, who woulda thunk it!?!?  Anyone who knows me, knows just how much i used to HATE the gym and NEVER really looked forward to working out.  In fact, when i was dancing, i was happiest because that alone is a workout and because i was having a good time doing it, i never really thought of dance as a workout per se.

Even when my neuro told me (years ago) that exercise is important while managing MS, i still needed some type of motivation and couldn’t get it together to get started on some sort of regular program.  At some point, i realized that the only thing that would get me going and keep at it consistently was to hire a personal trainer.

These days, I’ve actually gotten to a point where i like working out with Reggie (*gasp*, did i just say that out loud???).  I go to a small gym, not a Golds, Ballys type place.  There are about 4 or 5 studios in which the trainer and the client workout together one on one.  The studios are only used by 1 client at a time, so u really have the trainer’s undivided attention for the time that you’re there.  Even though the place is used/setup like that, sometimes u can see what others might be doing if u’re there at the same time.  While i do get my money’s worth, I have limitations so there’s a whole lotta shit that i can’t do.  well, when i see other people doing such things, i look at them and again think, “*sigh*, wish i could do that!”  of course, some of the exercises, i could try…but then i’d probably spend the entire 45 mins just to do 1 rep!!!  (may not be a good idea. SO not a good use of my money).


just another 1 of those things…

*sigh* Now Y Can't that B Me

it’s amazing how things happen/change in ur life and it takes on new meaning/you gain new perspectives.

I’ve been going for infusions for a almost a year and a half now and every time i go, it’s a fight with my veins.  In my wildest dreams, i never thought that would be an issue because every time i went to give blood prior to my starting the infusions, i never had any problems.

In light of all that, these days when i see someone with nice bulging veins i look at them with pure envy!  i saw a fella in the barber shop on Saturday and I swear his veins were a big as a drinking straw!!  I always think, “now y couldn’t that be me”???  I know that i don’t know everyone’s situation…but i always think, “what a waste of a nice vein…bet u don’t have to go for an infusion every 4 weeks!”

Apart from the obvious, guess which hand is mine!

I think i have good ones in my feet, but alas they won’t use the foot.  so i just have to look and lust after the big veins when i see them.   Who woulda thunk that there would come a time when i would look at people and the 1st thing i notice about them is the size of their VEINS!!!

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