Category: Random Thoughts
Ah Shit…
Thursday nite, I struggled walking around this apartment! WDF??? I felt so unstable and unsure of myself that I used the scooter INSIDE here – something I never do. I went to sleep and right then and there decided that if I wake up struggling the same way, I wasn’t going to work. Friday morning, I was moving around a little better and was about to get ready for work and I said, “fcuk it. I’m taking a “Stacey” day.” Those of you who know me know how out of character that was – I don’t even like to call in sick when I AM sick. My wretched disease was kicking my ass tho so I figured it was ok.
I really really do hope that all of this is as a result of my not working out or doing any PT for the week and nothing more (it’s happened once or twice before but never been this bad). I’ve since done my PT routine and I’m moving around better but I’m not my normal self really. Went out Sunday and made it back with no drama so that, at least is a good thing. Went to the gym this morning (i was actually looking forward to it and couldn’t wait) and even though unfortunately the workout was a shortened one, already some body parts feel better but did it actually make any difference? time will tell i suppose.
Being sick really is a bitch!
My Disability
- Side note: I actually type with one hand quite easily in this new position. I’m no longer developing reference material. Now, I’m in numerous spreadsheets, so it’s easy to just use my right hand but I do use Dragon when necessary.

Having Multiple Sclerosis
Where the heck did I go and pick up this disease? Why me? Dunno that I’ll ever get that question answered but with some luck maybe i will in my lifetime. Anyhoo having MS makes me feel:
- Loved – don’t get me wrong. I knew I was loved before but the things people (my family, the inner, outer & outer outer circles) are willing to do for me at a moment’s notice if necessary, are never ending, unceasing and amazing.
- Resentful – I HATE MS and being sick
- Scared – I know no one knows what the future has in store, but I sometimes feel anxious because I don’t know what this disease has in store for me and what may happen tomorrow morning when i wake up – hell what it could do in the next couple hours
- Like I’m regressing in life – the natural progression of things is NOT to buy your first house and then move out of it into an apartment. I know that it’s to make my life easier blah, blah, blah, but…On the other hand, i do have a jump start on walking with a cane tho. I once overheard 1 lil chile (i didn’t know) tell another, “she’s old.” yes – she was talking bout me.
- Tired – I get so tired, sometimes, of needing/wanting help. A few weeks ago, I asked G if she doh tire of helping me out. She said no but she does tire of my trying to do things on my own when I know that it may not work out (I don’t do that a lot but…)
- Lonely – I’ve learned to lime by myself. If we’re in a fete and everybody is doing the normal thing people do – walking around socializing, I can’t/don’t/won’t in the scooter, so I’m by myself often. It’s all good – I’m a cool person to lime with 🙂
As u were!
The Porcelain Goddess
- True story: I’ve actually gone to check her and…nothing! Why? Cuz she was one that I didn’t mind using so figured i’d take advantage but since I didn’t have to – nothing!
I identified a gap – maybe not so much a gap, but an opportunity for improvement. So these days I’ve taken to leaving her open (is that how to describe?). That way, there’s one less step that I have to do/think about. It goes against every bone in my body – leaving her with the lid up – but I realize that it’s just one of those things that needs to be done to make life that much easier for me. hey, it’s the little things!