how could i forget…
NOT Talkin Shit
I know i’m not talking shit.
Monday was G’s birthday and we went to our home away from home, EDl. I couldn’t even bend my knees to get out of the car. Have u ever tried to get out a car with ur legs as straight as a board?!?!? NOT cute or ladylike!!! I felt shame for just a moment when i almost pull down the fella who was helping me out the car! it was some stupid ass temperature like 50 or so…
today it is 70 degrees and i’ve been walking on my own all day!
I understand that it is natural to be stiffer in the cold i s’pose but good grief i am out of control- what the hell do i have to look forward to in December???? I am seriously going into hibernation.
it’s a “tropical strain”; it prefers heat/warmth/sun…
Monday Blues
Before i started working from home, i was a BITCH on Mondays. Those days are long gone, altho ever so often, i will be a little grumpy on a Monday.
I think my body suffers from the monday blues…i swear i am the worst on Mondays and as the week goes on, i get better with my best days being the weekends – cept now that it’s cold. the cold just totally fcuks with me; it’s time to hibernate again.
Well Looky Here
so i’ve mentioned before that i have alarms going off at all times of the day to remind me to take my medication AND that i haven’t a clue if/how all the meds i’m on actually do anything for me.
well…yesterday i found out.
that morning at 8, my alarm went off. I was in the middle of making breakfast, so instead of walking to the alarm to turn it off and take the pills and then walk back to making breakfast, i just let the alarm keep going and the plan was that when i sit down to eat, turn it off, take the pills and eat. well i turned it off and began to eat.
As the day went on, i really found that things were a little off. I was jerkier than normal (more puppet like if u will) and the whole walking thing was actually getting on my nerves and pissin me off. I normally work out, with a personal trainer, on Thursdays and i was actually thinking of canceling the session (a valid reason to cancel – WOOHOO) because i didn’t know that i could make it. Anyhoo, i kept on trucking on as i do…
A little later i was talking to a friend and he was asking me about the medication and how things were going, etc etc and that is when it dawned on me that i didn’t take my 8am meds! it was 1:53!!! no wonder i was all out of sorts- WOW! those actually do something…an hour later, i got up for something and i was normal (or at least as normal as i can be).
good to know that i’m not taking them for nothing!
Port Saga Continues…
So my personal doctor, Dr. L or G3, and his family were here last week. He and his wife are both doctors, so I was telling them the port story. She thought that it was a good idea from the beginning, he had to be sold – when he found out that i would be using it monthly AND they will be drawing blood each time, he got on board.
Of course, like all things medical, there are risks.
- it’s a surgical procedure to insert it
- infection!!
They both said that the biggest risk is infection – a nurse doesn’t wash their hands and handles it could lead to that.
of course, it’s just 1 more thing about which i’ll have to deal with the insurance company…not really looking forward to that – I’ll need to decide if i want to do it this year or next year. I already have to have an MRI done later this month to ensure that I am not at risk for the brain infection (side effect of the monthly Tysabri infusions) so who knows what more they’ll actually pay for!
ARGH!!! Being sick truly does SUCK ASS!