Smuggler's Cane

I used it yesterday/last nite…not in its entirety – there was nothing in the flask; i was going to a restaurant – but using it is more work than the others because of the “handle” or lack thereof.  Before G2 bought it we discussed my being able to use the cane because of its handle and we figured that if I couldn’t use it she would try to change it.  All the canes i’ve used have a “L shaped” top; this one has a knob (there are actually proper names for the different handle tops, but i won’t bore u with those details).

We figured, correctly so, that it certainly would be a different experience.  It was – it’s much more work.  I guess i never realized just how much i rely on that little “handle” part of the other canes, but i do…i won’t go as far as to say that i can’t use it, but i actually have to be conscious of the fact that i have to lift it off the ground.  I don’t drag the others (i don’t think) but if I don’t lift this one up entirely it will fall flat and we definitely don’t want that to happen…
suppose the flask inside doesn’t survive – GASP!!!


Smuggler’s Cane

I used it yesterday/last nite…not in its entirety – there was nothing in the flask; i was going to a restaurant – but using it is more work than the others because of the “handle” or lack thereof.  Before G2 bought it we discussed my being able to use the cane because of its handle and we figured that if I couldn’t use it she would try to change it.  All the canes i’ve used have a “L shaped” top; this one has a knob (there are actually proper names for the different handle tops, but i won’t bore u with those details).

We figured, correctly so, that it certainly would be a different experience.  It was – it’s much more work.  I guess i never realized just how much i rely on that little “handle” part of the other canes, but i do…i won’t go as far as to say that i can’t use it, but i actually have to be conscious of the fact that i have to lift it off the ground.  I don’t drag the others (i don’t think) but if I don’t lift this one up entirely it will fall flat and we definitely don’t want that to happen…
suppose the flask inside doesn’t survive – GASP!!!



I’m so tired of this cold weather and snow and ice and…but

I eh go lie, living in Atlanta is not too bad; it has its perks…5 inches of snow and the city has been shut down since Monday.  Of course I can’t take advantage of this snow week because I work from home, so things are just normal for me.  I havent left this house since Saturday and I can’t imagine that i will until Friday.  Have to go to my infusion (WOOHOO!!!) , but will probably need to leave now to get there on time (what with all the closed interstates, accidents, people who cyah drive in rain – far less for snow)

I’m seriously thinking of celebrating my birthday in May instead of now.  Accept all birthday wishes on Jan. 10th, but celebrate in warmer temperatures.  This is the 2nd year in a row that Ive had to cancel plans because Mother Nature had other plans for me – but things could be worse; i certainly am not complaining…I’m just saying…

anyhoo, hope everyone out there (in the US) is safe in this awful weather and keeping warm – Stax out!

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