I’ve been going for infusions for a almost a year and a half now and every time i go, it’s a fight with my veins. In my wildest dreams, i never thought that would be an issue because every time i went to give blood prior to my starting the infusions, i never had any problems.
- i’m a nightmare to the nurses,
- My veins are small
- My veins tend to roll; they don’t ever want to come up to the surface of my skin to make anything easy
- Its always a bet – how many times will i get stuck this time around?
Apart from the obvious, guess which hand is mine!
I think i have good ones in my feet, but alas they won’t use the foot. so i just have to look and lust after the big veins when i see them. Who woulda thunk that there would come a time when i would look at people and the 1st thing i notice about them is the size of their VEINS!!!