"You are a Nightmare"

That’s what the nurse who told me about the port said to me last week Friday.  LOL!!!  She’s an IV nurse; she normally gets it on her first try, but someone else usually has to call her over…Friday, they had to get 4 vials of blood for all the tests to be performed and as usual, the “molasses that flows thru my veins” had to be coaxed out –

  • i had to let my hand hang naturally
  • the needle had to be pushed in and drawn out (not all the way) a few times,

…and after all that, she didn’t even get 3 full vials!  Steups!  By this time, the 1st chick was fed up (she knew i was also in pain), so she called over the IV nurse and as she walked over, she looked at me, sighed and said, “u really are a nightmare”.  Of course that sparked ah set of jokes about their groaning on the Friday that they see me walk in, “oh geez, here comes Stacey – lemme pretend to be busy, someone else will get to her” etc. etc…

LOL!!  Who knew that the infusions could have turned out to be happy happy times 🙂

“You are a Nightmare”

That’s what the nurse who told me about the port said to me last week Friday.  LOL!!!  She’s an IV nurse; she normally gets it on her first try, but someone else usually has to call her over…Friday, they had to get 4 vials of blood for all the tests to be performed and as usual, the “molasses that flows thru my veins” had to be coaxed out –

  • i had to let my hand hang naturally
  • the needle had to be pushed in and drawn out (not all the way) a few times,

…and after all that, she didn’t even get 3 full vials!  Steups!  By this time, the 1st chick was fed up (she knew i was also in pain), so she called over the IV nurse and as she walked over, she looked at me, sighed and said, “u really are a nightmare”.  Of course that sparked ah set of jokes about their groaning on the Friday that they see me walk in, “oh geez, here comes Stacey – lemme pretend to be busy, someone else will get to her” etc. etc…

LOL!!  Who knew that the infusions could have turned out to be happy happy times 🙂


i always find it funny when other people can make jokes about my situation.  So i mentioned that i gave blood the other day.  It was a blood drive sponsored by the bank, so i’d emailed the coordinator 2 days prior with a couple questions (i’d never met the man before).  I walk into the room where they’ve set up and when i signed in, (same fella happened to be the one with the sign in sheet) he said to me, ur name is familiar…have we met?  So i told him that i’d emailed him a few days ago, bla blah blah…we engaged in ah lil small talk and i went on my way.

When i was done, i said goodbye to everyone and started my trek to the car (i swear that it was a 8 mile walk to the car)!  Now, whenever I’m walking (esp if it’s a tight space) and i hear someone behind me, I move to the side so that i don’t keep back anyone.  So…i heard someone coming up behind me, so i just moved over so that the person could go head…it was the same guy and as he walked by, he said, “boy Stacey…u not going to be winning any races or setting any records there huh!”

Now someone else might have been offended/get their panties all in a bunch – i thought it was funny as hell!  I laughed and i laughed hard!  As it turns out, we were heading to the elevator and he ended up having to wait on me to get to it 🙂

i always appreciate a good laugh/sense of humour.

Size DOES Matter

so yesterday i went to give blood…i’ve spoken about being a blood donor before, the diameter of the needle is (–) that big; the needle is HUGE (as far as i am concerned).  Anyhoo, when u go to give blood, they swab the area with iodine – wiping(scrubbing) it clean.  the chick yesterday did that and left the iodine on my skin; it’s a dark brown liquid like substance.  After all that, she had no problems and stuck the needle in with ONE shot – NO PROBLEMS, normEl, normEl.  The blood flowed with no issues and i was actually done in 10 minutes!!!

I am convinced that the size of the needle makes a helluva difference; i doh care what the professionals think/say..it MUST be the size of the needle.  Y is it that when i go for my infusion, my veins don’t corporate??? they play the “i don’t want to come out and lime” or “catch me if u can” games AND my blood never flows; in fact, recently, the lady had to use a syringe to plunge and draw the blood out of me!!!!!  i think the veins see that “blood donor” needle coming and jes boil down like bhaji (settle/calm right down).

I’m a pint low…go easy on me 🙂

Speak No Evil

When i started working at the bank, i was in a banking center.  I worked at many centers and they were all extremely busy.   Whenever things slowed down a bit, it was taboo for anyone to utter those words, “it’s kinda quiet in here” or “today’s been really slow”….ultimately if someone uttered those words, the “Nationsbank bus” would pull up and let loose hoards of customers…

I’ve been avoiding this for a while now – for fear that it might actually come true/be true…

I think my walking is getting worse.  

It’ll be 12 months on Tysabri on Friday; it’s working i s’pose – no additional scarring on my brain – altho, i haven’t had an MRI on my spine since the original one last year, so who knows what that might show when i go for 1 this year (i’m assuming that i’ll be sent to get 1).

Quite frankly, things are (feel) worse during the week than on the weekend – go figure!  I’m still trucking, but i still hate having MS too!

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