G and I had dinner with 2 friends a couple weeks ago. P was running late so we were limin with H and having a good time for his birthday. All of a sudden he said to me, “U are 1 of the srongest people i know” to which i responded, “why?”. I think i was honestly a little confused because i so try not to make the MS the center of anything. The conversation went on and he continued that i am always smiling, never letting anything get me down and he thinks that my attitude speaks volumes…everntually i said thank you and we moved on…
an hour or so later, P showed up…good times, lots of laughter, drinks, good food and he says, “u know u are the most positive person i know”. it was out of left field (at least i thought it was) and he too commented on how i’m always smiling, organising a good time, limin hard and just generally very positive in spite of everything.
it’s always interesting and “warm and fuzzy” to me when people tell me things like that. i don’t think of myself as a strong person nor do i think that i’m very positive in fact a more cynical pessimist u’ll not find. I have come to realize that i am actually dealing with the MS in the best way possible and in general i don’t let it drag me down. Back in the days when i would say “screw u MS” and do things that i shouldn’t, the bad days might have reared their ugly heads more, but now that i know my limitations and don’t do anything stupid, they are few and far between.
so…stability is GREAT – improvement will be greatER and i’ll shout it from the rooftops, but until then I’ll take stability any day!!