Scooter Drama

Who was out both scooters for a couple days? this chick…that’s who – I cannot make this shit up!

So a few weeks ago I decided to go do my eyebrows because I was tired of looking like a caveman and because I was also feeling for samosas, I could kill 2 birds with 1 stone since there’s an Indian cafe right next to the eyebrow place. Perfect! The weather that day was also perfect so I had to get out. I did my usual – request the Lyft car, roll outside to meet Keisha (hoping for the best because I’m still very judgmental when it comes to female Lyft drivers) and we were off. 15 minutes later, we pulled up, she unloaded Optimus, I sat and powered him up and the horn started blaring. Confused, I pressed the horn button because I figured that it was depressed and I just needed to jiggle it or something. Well, that did nothing. what the?? we dismantled the thing and put him back together and, as soon as I turned on the power, the horn started blaring again. steups. well, I was there for a reason and I wasn’t about to go back home, so I just had to go bold and hope that I didn’t piss off too many people. Luckily, it was only happening when the power was on so I had some control. My eyebrows done, I had to decide if I still wanted to go get samosas. I did, so I entered the restaurant. It was my first time in there and I was thoroughly embarrassed when I discovered that it was a small, intimate dining room (it looks much larger from outside). Anyway, everyone was sitting enjoying their lunch and here came Stacey with this constant blaring horn – sigh! Anyway, I got my samosas and a few days later Optimus was in the shop.

A week later, I went to brunch using Max (the new one). P dropped me home he took Max out the car, put the key in, turned it and it broke in two – 1 piece was in his hand and the other was in the keyhole. What the?!? We got me inside somehow (boy was I glad that I hadn’t taken Lyft home) but for 2 days, I was grounded. Optimus was in the shop and Max couldn’t be turned on. Luckily, it wasn’t an issue because I work from home and I actually didn’t have to do anything for those 2 days. It was during that time, that I discovered that most locksmiths in my area don’t touch mobility scooters with a 10 foot pole, primarily because of how small the key is, but luckily I found one who came out and took care of my issue.

I can’t make up these stories…it’s never a dull moment when I’m involved. Geez! Anyway, I gone so, talk to allyuh later.


Introducing Optimus Pride

Soca Scooter is no more.

he had a good 6 year run and at first, he never failed me. Alas, the time eventually came when I couldn’t rely on him any longer. It made no sense that I would be ready to bounce starter and mash gas and………nothing! he just would not move. The vexing thing is that I knew what  was wrong but the problem was that I just never knew when it would happen and the time I took him to be repaired, he worked perfectly fine. Now that I’m writing this and think back, the problem started happening a while back but somehow I was always able to get him moving again and never realised that it was actually the start of an issue so I guess it was just the end of the road this time. Anyhoo, I just couldn’t afford to take any more chances and I had to replace him.  I’ve talked bout Bumblebee here already. He is my Lamborghini…my weekend ride if u will, and driving up the road in my neighbourhood is just not his scene.  I needed another “Corolla” to handle that and all the jammin I put the things thru on a regular basis. Enter…Optimus Pride.

Optimus Pride is like a Soca Scooter2.0 and he’s a chunx bigger. He breaks apart when I have to load him up into a car and he’s low and close to the ground so I won’t feel nervous driving on a slight incline, all the while hoping with everything in me that we won’t tip over. He’s .6mph slower than SS but Bumblebee has gotten me used to the slower speed so no big deal. It’s weird though, the handles and controls are shaped differently and for some reason, there are times (more often than I’m willing to admit) when I press the control at first and we head in the wrong direction.  What the?!? Have u not been using a scooter for the past 6 years?!? It really doesn’t seem to make any sense at all,  but it is what it is. OP (not to be confused with OB 😉) also has front and back wheel suspension so his ride is nice and smooth.

his name…allyuh know u hadda indulge me.

like Soca Scooter, he’s originally red. Unlike Soca Scooter he came with alternate blue panelling that can be switched out depending on the mood of the user.  I was thinking about what to name him and I figured that maybe I could stay with the “Transformers” theme and use both colours.  Hmmmm…Optimus.  Optimus Prime is red and blue so I can switch out a few of the red panels and use the blue. “Oh self…not a bad idea at all…k, i’ll call him Optimus.” Well the problem with that was that he eh no transformer. when people see Bumblebee in action going from folded to not, he’s a transformer. Optimus doesn’t transform, he breaks down and apart…yes that bothered me (say what u will about me). A friend suggested “Optimus Pride”. Yuh see he’s a Pride scooter…that’s the brand. I thought it was perfect; staying in the “Transformers” theme without actually being a transformer. Quite clever if (by chance) u ask me 🙂

Saturday I was out on Bumblebee and someone said to me, “is that a license plate u have there?” I replied with a “hell yeah!”. I think it was Miami carnival 2013 that I had the idea to create a license plate for Soca Scooter – it was Stax3.25 (my car at the time was Stax3). There was no way that I’d know at that time that five years later, I’d be asking Asal to make Stax5.25 for me.

Optimus Pride – see the blue panel on the front wheel mud guard

Pride brand

Aye allyuh have a great week; I gone so.

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