I walked…without a (traditional) walking aid!!!
Okay. So before I continue, allyuh wouldn’t believe what I’m about to tell you. Last time, I talked about the new really weird pain that I was experiencing and said that I was going to talk to Gilbert about it later that day. One of the things that I didn’t mention was that I’d also started taking ibuprofen one night because the shit really was painful. So i talked about it here and I told Gilbert about it and what has happened? The last time I felt it was that morning! The last Ibuprofen i took was that morning! Was talking to a friend and she said that it was a “reverse” goatmout…very weird but yes, no more pain. That’s ms for you I suppose. Go figure! Anyways, Gilbert said that it sounded like nerve pain because of how I described it, but he still found it odd because it started in my armpit. He said that he could prescribe a daily pill and asked me if I wanted medication; I said no. He suggested that I (do what I do for all things ms related) monitor it and pay attention and we will deal with it at a later date if we need to. Well as of right now, we don’t need to because nothing’s happening…here’s hoping I’m not putting goatmout on myself writing this!
On to PT. Of course, physical therapy in 2020 was out but by 2021, there were protocols in place, including some home telehealth visits and I completed 10 sessions. I’ve talked about Shepherd and its “toys” before and last year, they had a new one. I wish I had a picture, but I don’t so I’m going to describe this as best as I possibly can. It is a walking aid that is attached at the ceiling to a circuit that covers the circumference of the PT area so patients can walk around the floor. My therapist “encased” me in multiple harnesses (I may have looked like a cyborg) that were attached to and communicated with the machine at the top that was attached to the circuit. She input my weight, height and other stats regarding my disability into the computer and so the entire thing adjusted as I was walking to keep me upright and somewhat stable. The first few steps were practice steps to ensure that the whole thing was calibrated properly- it is supposed to keep me from falling after all – so I was using a walker as I moved. I knew that this was coming but when Taylor my PT, said “okay, leave your walker here; time to walk without it” I freaked out! I was so damn scared…but of course, I put it aside and let it go. I could feel the whole thing adjusting to me as I found my balance and I took a step with my right foot (figured I’d start with that one since it’s the good one) and everything was fine – no drama, no stress. Okay left foot time and the weirdest thing happened…nothing. Nothing happened; it was almost as if I didn’t know how to move the foot without having the walker in my hand – this is the only way that I can describe how I felt. I actually had to say to myself, “okay…pick up the leg and move it forward, you can do this” and make a conscious decision to do it; it simply did not occur naturally. I freaked out a little…just a little…but Taylor talked me off the ledge and I did it; I took the step. The more steps I took, the better it was and the next thing I knew was that I’d completed half the circuit. I was soooooooo excited. I know that it probably sounds like nothing, especially since I was really strapped in and attached to all sorts of things, but you have to understand, I haven’t walked without a cane or a walker since 2010 (or 08…I honestly don’t remember but it was 1 of the 2); at some point, I wasn’t even sure what to do with my hands. LOL! It’s hard for me to really convey just how excited I was but it really, really felt good. Found the image below online that is not exact, but it depicts the general idea for you – maybe when I go back this year, I’ll get an actual picture, or even better, a video. I’m sure that I’ve said this here before, but I sure am glad that I found the MS Institute at the Shepherd Center.

Anyway, it’s finally Wednesday – we’re almost on our way down on the otherside to the weekend. Stay safe out there and I’ll be back soon.