I shared before that I went indoor skydiving in April. Since actually jumping out of a plane is not going to happen anytime soon, I’ll settle for the next best option. When OB and I went in April, I learned about their “All Abilities” program that occurs on one Thursday night every month.  Essentially, the facility is open to anyone with any disability to go fly to their heart’s content.  I tried to go in May but no one could tell me exactly when it was happening. I tried again another month but there were no available slots…sigh. All Abilities night is half the price AND they throw in a video (normally you have to pay extra for that) so I was really trying to take advantage of it. Fast forward to September and the Lumwai clan was in town and we decided to go back. It was my second time and it was just as much fun. By then they had added a virtual reality experience that we tried to add on but alas there was no availability that day. At that visit tho, I learned that October’s All Abilities night was on the 19th. i called early and booked my time slot…I wasn’t missing it that time and I definitely wanted to add the virtual reality experience as well.

I have to give props to the staff at the iFLY facility and the person who came up with the idea. The cost includes all the gear we need, a short training session and two  1-minute flights plus they thrown in the video for us (we’re VIP u know). I went by myself and I needed help putting on the suit and helmet and Austin, my instructor for the night, took care of me (and everyone else who needed help) without issue. Under normal circumstances, flyers would sit behind a tethered off area and when it’s your turn u walk up to the entrance of the wind tunnel and fall into it to start flying. Additionally, your single instructor stays with you to guide you as needed. On your second flight, they increase the wind speed to about 105mph and the instructor flies u in a circle while climbing vertically in the tunnel (intense experience). On All Abilities night, to accommodate us, they do not cordon off the area and anyone in a chair can roll right up to the tunnel entrance and then two instructors help to get the person off the chair, if needed, and into flying position (the 2 also stay in the tunnel with the flyer). Depending on the disability they will tie the person’s legs together so that they are controlled while in the tunnel and on the second flight, one of the instructors takes the flyer vertical but not in a circular motion.

when it was my turn I told my instructors that driving the scooter right up to the door didn’t make sense so I would stop at a point and walk with them the rest of the way. Well don’t you know that one of them asked if I would mind if he picked me up.  (absolutely not!!! and) being one to never say no to a “lifup”, I said “oh. do ur thing”. He picked me up like a little rag doll and in 2 2s, we were at the door. I was able to use the virtual reality helmet during my second flight and that made my night.  Allyuh. I eh go lie…I had fun but I am almost sure that the wind speed was less that night so my first flight was not as intense as before and just “meh” but the virtual experience during the second made up for it and just for those 2 minutes nothing beats the feeling of complete normalcy! I will continue to go on All Abilities night because, well it’s half the price – duh! but mainly because there are 6 different VR views and I want to try all – I also found out that it’s the 3rd Thursday of every month. Additionally, with any luck since I’m a repeat offender, they’ll start teaching me some tricks to do while in the tunnel.

i lost my voucher for my video, so enjoy a lil pic instead…

Pic of some who were there that night


A Lil Story

So a couple weekends ago a few of us went to brunch. We started at one restaurant ended up staying quite some time so food and drinks was flowing. As we were leaving, ASal suggested that we should walk the 2/3 blocks to another bar/lounge that had a great vibe (did I mention that this was a Sunday?). Not people to turn down any kinda lime, we all said OK! We got there and were seated but no one came to our table. Finally, after many complaints, a guy walked over apologising profusely and took our order. They were offering some kind of Sunday brunch drink special and so naturally we took advantage of that and got a couple appetizers. Well when the order came, we noticed that there were more drinks on the table than we ordered and found out that the waiter doubled up on everything because we’d been waiting so long. Well looky here, that Sunday just got so much better.

anyway we sat there liming for a couple hours and of course at some point, I had to go use the restroom. I was using Bumblebee and let me just say that he doesn’t have a real tight lock when we are turning corners. On Optimus Pride I can buss down a u turn in the tightest spot, on bumblebee? Not so much…it’ll take at least a 4 point turn. Anyway I left the restroom and my left leg was giving a little trouble to bend and go up on the scooter so I just left it hanging off cuz I didn’t have far to go. I got to a point where I had to bend a corner to get back to our table and as I turned, it was a little wider than it should have been and that left leg that was hanging off the scooter ran right into a life size Jenga game that I guess patrons of the place could play as they wished. Jenga pieces flew everywhere and, oh the crash as they came tumbling down. Allyuh know that I started laughing hilariously and just couldn’t stop even though I was horrified. The only thing that would have made the moment better was if I’d remembered to shout “JENGA!” as the tiles fell to the ground.

Luckily it was late by then and the place had really emptied vs. when we initially got there…smh…dull moments are few and far between.

not the best quality pictures but u get the point… 🙂




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