2012 Catspraddles

Some of you might think that this is morbid/unnecessary/insert whichever word you think is best but i’ve decided that for kicks and giggles, i’m going to (try to) keep up with my tumbles for this year.  So far i think (can’t remember for sure) that i’m up to 3.   The 1st one was bright and early new year’s day @ 12:45.

  • 2 Sundays ago, i stepped out of the shower and down i went.  As usual i have no idea exactly  what happened, all i know is that 1 minute i was upright and the next i was bracing myself for impact.  Now!  Falling with wet skin is actually funnier than not (once you realize that all is well).  what made it worse too was that i kinda fell onto the porcelain goddes, so:
wet skin + porcelain = no easy ladylike way to get up

it wasn’t pretty.  But!  i made it, had a good snicker and went on with my day.
  • The other one i remember was trying to get out of a bed.  If the bed/chair is too low then i can’t get out on my own (for the most part)  (of course, if it’s too high, gettin ON is a challenge but thats a story for another day).  well this bed was kinda low and try as i might i couldn’t get out of it.  It was early in the morning and so i didn’t call for help because everyone else around was sleeping (i was in the room by myself).  it was again quite funny (at least to me) because nothin i did enabled me to stand upright and get out of the bed.  FINALLY after God only knows how may tries, i made it!  i took 2 steps and down i went – it was pathetic, because now i have to pull myself up from the friggin ground!!!  Did i mention that i was actually trying to get up to go and pee???  well the MS gods were smiling on me that day because somehow getting up from the ground was easier that getting off the bed, so if i remember correctly i only had to try 1 or 2 times to pick myself up and head to the bathroom.
So…i’m up to 3 so far.  only time will tell how i’ll close the year and with any luck it’ll be 3  ðŸ™‚

All Bruised Up

so i fell down yesterday.  I just wrote about falling last week and i fell yesterday – it’s almost like i called it on myself.

Anyhoo, it was a good”ish” fall.  I actually fell hard on concrete on my knees in the parking lot in front my house.  i thought that my knees would be in a mess, but it turns out that they are okay…the tops of my feet however is another story.  Because of how i fell, i was in a precarious position against the car and had to drag my (upside down) feet to get out of it.  Ended up with 3 whiteman bruises the top of my right foot.  I was carrying a Target bag with some stuff and all the stuff stayed in the bag – so all in all a good fall, nothing to complain or write home about.

happy times!


I haven’t talked about falling in a while and trust me it’s NOT because it hasn’t happened…the thing about falling is that when i trip (or whatever to cause the fall), i always try to “catch” myself to avoid – this is normal, i s’pose.  But the times that i actually fall is when i realize “shit – this is not going to work” and i just resign myself to hit the ground and hope that i don’t hurt myself or land on my face.

That happened one morning last week…i’m really not sure what the hell happened but i knew that the fall had potential to be a great disaster.  I think that I’ve mentioned before that I’ve noticed that it’s almost as if my legs need to warm up before they work “properly”, so who knows just how shaky I was that morning.  All i know is that I was somewhere between the porcelain goddess and the sink which had more stuff than usual around it and so there was no telling how the tumble could end.  I tried, I tried, I tried to hold on to something/anything to balance and then eventually, i said, “fuck it, i’m going down!”  It wasn’t as disastrous as I’d anticipated, but there was a helluva lot of noise.  My mother said (yes she’s back) that it was the fastest that she’d ever climbed stairs (she was downstairs in the kitchen and heard the noise).

By the time she got to me, I was already down – of course – and had decided that i was going to finish brushing my teeth before even bothering to try to get up.  And the end of it all, I only had a bruised thigh to show for it – could have been MUCH worse!

Buss Meh Ass…Again!

So…falling down is a regular occurence with some sufferers of MS.  I’ve mentioned in a much earlier post that I used to fall down all the time growing up (maybe that was a clue?). To this day, my father will tell anyone who will listen the extremely story of my falling on Frederick St! At any rate, falling is jes one of those things that i have to deal with – between my dragging feet and lack of strength sometimes – anything is possible.
So i fell “up” the steps on Monday.  I think I’ve mentioned before i have 32 steps at home to contend with (3 story townhouse) – one of my mother’s dreams is to win the lottery and buy a flat house for me. At any rate, I was walking up the 1st flight of steps (entrance to the living room area) after a long drive (I could actually feel myself getting tired as I drove) and at the very last step, I didn’t lift my foot high enuf to step up and u know it – buss meh ass right there.  I was carrying 2 bags at the time, so naturally they went flying – luckily i feel forward not back! 

Now what is it about when I fall that I immediately start to laugh hysterically (even if i’m alone)!!!  Maybe that’s my way of dealing with any embarrassment, maybe it’s because I am able to laugh at myself – who knows – but i fell and immediately started laughing HARD!  I have a friend staying with me these days, he must think that I am a mad woman because every single time (of course I’ve fallen at home before) i fall, i laugh like crazy.  This time i was laughing so hard that he actually helped me up because it was obvious that i couldn’t help myself too much at the time.  UGH – f*ckin Multiple Sclerosis!!!

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