so…i fell down on Monday, went to the urgent care place and the doc there wanted to give me crutches. I told him about my situation and my balancing issues and he suggested a boot instead. I put on the boot and STILL could not walk because i couldn’t put any weight on the ankle. At that point, i had to get the crutches to use as well as the boot. Of course the first few steps with the crutches were touch and go, but i very slowly kinda got the hang of it while i was there. He still didn’t really like how i was looking so i left the place with a prescription for a walker, because he thought that it would probably be my best option.

By the time i got home and practised with the crutches some more, i was doing ok. i stopped using the cane – obviously – and was wearing the boot and using the crutches. Wouldn’t you know it….it seems that all the walking/balancing issues that i normally have are gone. i swear that if i take off the boot and throw away the crutches RIGHT NOW, i would walk normally – and not my “normal”, normal like any other person (normEl, normEl!). ugh!! who knew that it would take my falling down the steps for that to happen.
Anyhoo, I can put some weight on the foot now. If i walk on tippytoe on the right, i feel no pain. Last nite i started using the cane again because i’ll be honest i’m a lil afraid to go out in public (have my infusion tomorrow) with the crutches. This morning when i woke up, i actually walked around a bit without the boot, so the ankle is healing and i’m on my way to being well again.