Day 1

MS: My Story with Multiple Sclerosis
I have the ability to laugh at myself. Again, if I don’t laugh, i’ll cry…so I have to tell this story. In the post before my birthday, I mentioned that i was off that Friday because the crew was going to be headed to the mountains – as an aside, we never made it to the mountains because of the weather here in GA that weekend (snow and ice cyah done)…steups, BUT we made the best of it and it was a good weekend nonetheless. Anyway, I had BIG plans for the Friday because i had a lot of errands to run before we headed up there. Woke up early, took G to work and headed home to get started.
We live in a 9-unit townhouse structure with a shared driveway, which is where we can park. So i get home and pull into my spot, open the door and as i place my left foot on the ground, i realize that it’s on a big patch of ice. hmmmm, but i’m a woman on a mission, so i figure if i hold on to the door for leverage, i’ll be okay right? WRONG!! As i pushed up out of the car, i slipped and buss meh ass right in the parking lot. OYE!
No biggie, I’ll just get up and move on…well the problem with that was it was such a big patch of ice that no matter how much i tried to get up i kept slipping right along. So by now, i was laughing so hard because i couldn’t believe this pickle i was in. Then, i had a thought…gosh i hope noone is looking out their window and seeing this. Same time, i hear my neighbour’s garage door opening – GASP! By this time I have edged over trying to get past the ice, so she runs over and as i get into the SNOW (yes in Atlanta) she helps me up. K, who was inside the house at the time came flying downstairs just about that time and she too, slides into the car as she was trying to get my stuff that was left behind – luckily she didn’t fall too! We get inside, laugh my ass off, WARM my ass off and the day continues….remember I’m a woman on a mission.
About 2 hrs later, I decide to go to the bank. I pull up in the parking lot and as i put my left foot out, it slides so i realize that i’m by a patch of ice AGAIN. I say to myself, “Stacey, falling down in the parking lot outside ur house is one thing, falling down on ice in the bank parking lot is a whole ‘nother story!!!” So, i put my foot back into the car and move to a dry spot. I get out the car, lock the door (i always forget to do that) and was so proud of myself for doing the right thing. I’m on a mission…i took 2 steps to make my way into the bank and TRIPPED over the fleckin pavement!!!! FELL DOWN AGAIN!! My phone went flying one way…my handbag the next. i couldn’t believe it. What the?!?!?!? This time, fortunately, i was able to get up, no problem.
I have good news – no broken bones, no casualties – I am fine and this time tho, as far as i could tell, no-one saw a thing 🙂
One of the most frustrating things (for me) about having MS is not knowing. MS is such that it affects everyone in different ways (altho there are some constants) and there is just no telling what could happen to u at any given time. I mentioned in an earlier post that I spent 4 days in bed, just as the new year broke, so I hadn’t been on the computer or doing much of anything at the time. On my first day back to work, I noticed that BOTH my arms were somewhat heavy and typing wasn’t as easy as it should have been. My arms weren’t numb – they just felt kinda weak/lethargic (i know that that is not really a word to describe my arms; i’m just trying to get my point across). thank goodness i din’t have to handwrite anything or else i would have been screwed! Was this something else that i’m going to have to deal with??? As it turns out I’m back to normal – maybe after being “off” for 3 weeks, my body just had to get back in the groove of things? who really knows.
A few months ago, i was taking a shower and felt something under my foot. I tried to remove whatever was under my feet and that’s when i realized that THERE WAS NOTHING THERE!! The best way i can describe it is that all day long, it felt like i was standing on gravel while barefoot. It was then that i realized that the soles of my feet (only the left foot) and my legs up to my knees (both legs) were actually numb. That lasted for about 3 months or so and just like that things went back to normal.
I heard a story about someone i know who woke up one day a few weeks ago and couldn’t see. Long story short, turns out that his doctors are almost 100% sure that he has MS.
Everyday i wake up and hope that nothing will strike! In addition, when something odd happens, i immediately wonder if it’s a new sympton that i will have to deal with. Having MS has made me very aware of my body and any changes that i experience. Now, as soon as i notice something odd happening, i make sure to be aware of when it started, how long it lasted, exactly how it affected me etc. Oftentimes, i hope that it’s just my “old” body doing its thing to get thru the day.
In the words of Blinders Off, a fellow blogger, “Living with multiple sclerosis is like a box of chocolate. You never know how it will affect you the next minute, hour, or day.”
I’ve never made a new year’s resolution. NEVER! Are u supposed to make them on Old Year’s nite? New years day? Are u supposed to tell someone? say it in ur mind? who knows – NOT me! Well this year I’m making one and I’m saying it out loud.
There are few other people in this world who hate the gym and working out as much as I do. (I finally cancelled my gym memebership at the local gym which was debitting my account monthly!) I mean, I can’t stand it…If i can get my way I would get my workout in by sitting on a machine and let it do all the work for me. I was having dinner with a friend in FL and we discussed (he feels the same way i do). I told him to start working on a plan to get something marketed; I will be his FIRST customer.
At any rate, i bought a Wii and a Wii Fit for myself last year. I started off hot and heavy using them both to get my workout in daily (almost), I kept it up for quite some time and then something happened – I’m not sure what – and I haven’t used either of them in a minute. One of the most important things that an MS patient can do is to workout regularly. I know this! Everytime i go to my neurologist, he asks me how it’s going….the last time he asked me I was very excited to be able to say that i was doing it maybe 2 or 3 times a week – he told me that I should increase to 3 or 4! (what does he want? blood?)
Anyway, so this year Santa gave me a Wii Fit Plus; I also bought another Wii game “The Biggest Loser” – it’s a fitness program to be used along with the Wii Fit. I am resolving this year to workout consistently. I do not have to trek to the gym in the cold, in the rain, in the heat…I will be IN my living room – I have NO excuse…besides who benefits in the long run? ME!