G2 is at it again…50 miles She’s walking 50 miles for me…check out her page here (she coulda used a better picture of us in my opinion, but hey)! She’s all warmed up since she now come back from home AND playing mas…
this year also my Atlanta peeps are walking. That walk is the weekend of 4/15 and i’m currently working on the site, so i’ll have to give the link at a later date. I’m not sure how they are gonna top the jerseys from 2 years ago, but the plan is to have t-shirts and make a big lime – much bigger than the last time – of the walk (u know how we Trinis do). I’m thinking of renting a scooter here so that i can be on the road with the walkers (I’m picturing a rhythm section on Peachtree St. – HA! they so not ready for us), if not, i’ll just wait for them at the finish line like i did the last time.
so…looking to make a trip to ATL sometime? come on down for that weekend. it should be sweet!
Non Walkers 2010
Walkers 2010