MS Awareness Week 2012

This year the MSAwareness week is 3/12 – 3/18…so:

  • Wear orange
  • Spread the word about MS
  • Change your Facebook profile pictures
This year’s campaign:
Multiple sclerosis destroys connections inside us. It disconnects the mind from the body and people from each other.

But what if we could defy this disease with the very thing it seeks to destroy: Connections.
Would we share more knowledge? More questions? More answers? More hope?

MS Awareness week will take place March 10 – 18, 2012, when people all over the world will come together and use their connections to raise awareness about multiple sclerosis, while encouraging others to join the movement toward a world free of MS. There are many ways for you to participate and we look forward to sharing this week of education, inspiration, and hope with you!

Maybe, by connecting enough small victories, we could win some really big ones.

2012 Catspraddles

Some of you might think that this is morbid/unnecessary/insert whichever word you think is best but i’ve decided that for kicks and giggles, i’m going to (try to) keep up with my tumbles for this year.  So far i think (can’t remember for sure) that i’m up to 3.   The 1st one was bright and early new year’s day @ 12:45.

  • 2 Sundays ago, i stepped out of the shower and down i went.  As usual i have no idea exactly  what happened, all i know is that 1 minute i was upright and the next i was bracing myself for impact.  Now!  Falling with wet skin is actually funnier than not (once you realize that all is well).  what made it worse too was that i kinda fell onto the porcelain goddes, so:
wet skin + porcelain = no easy ladylike way to get up

it wasn’t pretty.  But!  i made it, had a good snicker and went on with my day.
  • The other one i remember was trying to get out of a bed.  If the bed/chair is too low then i can’t get out on my own (for the most part)  (of course, if it’s too high, gettin ON is a challenge but thats a story for another day).  well this bed was kinda low and try as i might i couldn’t get out of it.  It was early in the morning and so i didn’t call for help because everyone else around was sleeping (i was in the room by myself).  it was again quite funny (at least to me) because nothin i did enabled me to stand upright and get out of the bed.  FINALLY after God only knows how may tries, i made it!  i took 2 steps and down i went – it was pathetic, because now i have to pull myself up from the friggin ground!!!  Did i mention that i was actually trying to get up to go and pee???  well the MS gods were smiling on me that day because somehow getting up from the ground was easier that getting off the bed, so if i remember correctly i only had to try 1 or 2 times to pick myself up and head to the bathroom.
So…i’m up to 3 so far.  only time will tell how i’ll close the year and with any luck it’ll be 3  🙂

MS Walks 2012

G2 is at it again…50 miles  She’s walking 50 miles for me…check out her page here (she coulda used a better picture of us in my opinion, but hey)!  She’s all warmed up since she now come back from home AND playing mas…

this year also my Atlanta peeps are walking.  That walk is the weekend of 4/15 and i’m currently working on the site, so i’ll have to give the link at a later date. I’m not sure how they are gonna top the jerseys from 2 years ago, but the plan is to have t-shirts and make a big lime – much bigger than the last time – of the walk (u know how we Trinis do).  I’m thinking of renting a scooter here so that i can be on the road with the walkers (I’m picturing a rhythm section on Peachtree St. – HA!  they so not ready for us), if not, i’ll just wait for them at the finish line like i did the last time.

so…looking to make a trip to ATL sometime?  come on down for that weekend.  it should be sweet!

Non Walkers 2010

Walkers 2010
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