
A few years ago, i decided that i wanted a tattoo.  A few people told me that it’s permanaent so you really want to put something that means a lot to u, think about it carefully, the shit is permanent etc. etc.  well i couldnt think of anything, so i started piercing my ears instead(!)  i have a cartilage piercing and a tragus piercing in addition to 2 holes in my lobes (all in the same ear) – btw, a tragus is the little flap right above the ear canal (Who the hell knew!!)- sounds almost rude.

about 3 weeks ago, i’m not sure what i was doing and it hit me…i want an MS related tattoo.  i mean, the shit is not going anywhere, it has alot of meaning to me, have to deal with it every day – that’s a good one to have (i think).  i now have this on the inside of my left wrist (i thought it fitting on the left side since that is my trouble side)…

An Award

Got an award today!  thanks Karen @ Meandering…One Moment Please!!!

Liebster is a German word that translates to; dearest, beloved or in this case favorite. The idea of the Liebster Award is to give it to an up and coming blog with fewer than 200 followers. – in order to create new connections, and bring attention to their wonderful blogs. 
Thanks again Karen!
Here are the conditions that go along with accepting the award;
1. Thank the Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog.
2. Link back to the blogger who presented you the award.
3.  Copy and paste the Liebster Blog Award on your blog.
4. Present the award to 5 bloggers who have a following 200 or less, who you feel deserve it.
5. Let them know they have been chosen by leaving a comment on their blog.

Sherry @ Messy Mind
Macajuel @ Two With Slight……
Herrad @ Access Denied – Living with Multiple Sclerosis
Wizzy the Stick @ Breakfast Lunch Dinner Punch
Nicole @ My New Normals

MS Walk Atlanta 2012

I’ve been scarce these past few days – i been busy, busy, busy – work, organising the ts for the walk, all kinda ting – forgive me!

Anyhoo, so i went to the gym yesterday and while i was resting between sets, an older woman came up to me and said, “u r great.  i just wanted to tell u that u are my inspiration to get here…everytime i think “uh, I don’t want to go to the gym”, i think about u…i think, “if she can do it, i defintiely can” and i drag myself here”.  she made my day!  it was so nice to have someone who i don’t even know (and truth be told, i can’t even sasy that i’ve ever seen/noticed her before) come up to me and say that…. 🙂

The Walk was Saturday.  We had great weather (even tho i was ah lil cold riding thru the park), a great turnout and a great time was had by all.  I can’t thank everyone enuf for coming out. After the walk, most of us moved the lime to Tucker and the good times continued (everyone had strict instructions from K that there was to be NO LIMIN in any bars downtown, we could go NOWHERE butTucker because i had to go to a party later that nite and the lime in Tucker would take less of a toll on my body than out and about)…enjoy a few pictures…


I’m banned from…

  • Entering a liquor store
  • Taking a dip in the ocean
  1. It’s weird how things happen.  9 1/2 years ago, G and I found the perfect house for us (or so we thought at the time – today, my idea of perfect is a little flatter).  There are 3 bedrooms, 2 of which are of comparable size (not a HUGE one and 2 closets) so we were both able to each have our own big nice space in which to live.  yeah there were 32 steps, but who really cared at that point – that’s how we could get our exercise 🙂 and lo and behold, wouldn’t u know it, the little strip mall thing next door had a liquor store!  WOW!!!  it was PERFECTION!!!  over the years, of course we forged a relationship with the owners.  we know them, they know us – i mean c’mon, it’s been 10 years (in August).  well, these days, i’m not allowed to go into Nick’s – not that i really want to anyway; i’m deathly afraid of what could happen.  The picture in my head is one of my being on the floor covered in vodka and broken bottles.  what the hell will my bill be that day????  i shudder to think!
  2. a few years ago (think it was 2009), i was in Miami for carnival and we went to the beach.  Back then, i wasn’t using the cane and off i went into the ocean.  well…long story short, every time a wave broke, it slammed me down and back – i wasn’t far out at all.  A was trying to tell me that i should come out, but those were my hero days, so i was trying to brave the shit out.  By the time i figured that maybe i should come out and not let the ocean win the battle, i could barely walk out (of course) and (those of u who are frequent beach goers will understand this) i looked like one of those kids who bathe in the sand and come out with a shitload of sand in their bathsuit.  So, naturally, i’m not allowed to go in the water anymore!!!

These bans are actually not self imposed, but i recognize that they make sense and probably are for the best so i adhere. 

Bout of Depression

had a lil bout of depression last nite.  I normally work out at a gym (i’ve actually changed from Reggie and the old gym), but last nite long story short, i had to stay at home and workout.  Now, working out in the gym and working out at home of course are 2 completely different things and i definitely prefer going to the gym.  Anyhoo, so by the end of the hour, i was completely frustrated because “easy”, “simple” things i just couldn’t do or was completely struggling to do.  you know how hard it is to bend your legs when all they want to do is remain straight????  ugh!! 

so my trainer left and i went to lock the door behind him and went down (yup, numero cinco).  I moved my left foot to take a step and it kinda caught on the tile so i ended up taking a half step instead, only my body and i thought i was taking a full step so i ate tile.  i remember grabbing at the door (a flat surface) so of course it did no good!  all was well, i think i hit my head a little, but ended up on a case of water – so i guess that “cushioned” my fall.

so…the “workout” + the fall + my entire situation = a depressed Stacey
it didn’t last very long…but it happened anyway

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