My Dream Day

how will my “dream day” be spent…hmmmm…

I will have to thank God for that day – that’s for sure!  Can you imagine?  🙂  i think i’ll stay up for 24 hrs that day.

after that…well, i will run EVERYWHERE – LOL.  U know how lil children have all dat energy and we just don’t understand where they get it from?  well that’ll be me on that day.  LOL – there’ll be no stopping me.  Of course it goes without saying that my canes will definitely have a day off to rest and rejuvinate.

i think i’ll hold my pee until the end of the day – okay,so maybe that’s not the best idea, but i definitely won’t be going to pee jes because there’s an usable, available restroom.

hopefully it’s a saturday and there’ll be some fete for me to go to.  If not, i will find somewhere and go and “wine an touch meh toe”…oh, if it’s a weekday, i’ll be calling in that day – fo sho!

It’ll be a day FREE of pills and the life alert bracelet (even tho every now and again i have those days anyway).

I think i might run up and down the steps a few times just for the hell of it…what else, what else…I’ll be in my glee that’s for sure – lol…oh well. 

a gal can dream…

Sigh…this MS

I found myself in a bit of a pickle this past weekend.

I was caught in an awkward, slightly embarrassing situation that for the life of me, i couldn’t get out of.  I wasn’t at home, spent the night out and very long story short, i ended up on my back on the floor of a room and COULD NOT MOVE!  Luckily, i was by extended family so as embarrassing as the shit was, it could have been much, much worse.  How do i know for sure that it’s okay to blame the MS?  My heart was racing, i really was in a panic and trying so hard to get up but i just couldn’t – i really was stressing!  when i say, my body wasn’t going anywhere, i mean it wasn’t going anywhere – all i could do was move my arms.   I went as far as to call out for help, but alas, that didn’t work either…

Eventually i told myself that if i just lay there and try to be calm, everything would be okay.  That worked…as soon as my heart stopped racing and i calmed down, I was able to get up and move around.

Fucking MS!!!

Funny Story bout that Ink

so…long story short, i was getting a paper from a guy to sign and reached out my left hand so that i could sign with my right and the conversation went like this:

me: sure i’ll sign it
fella: oh my mother has MS too
me (in my head): eh?  what?  i never said i had MS..what the?  out loud: oh, how did you know?
fella: uhm (and points to my wrist) (i know that in his head, he was thinking “duh!  it’s right there on your wrist”
me: OH!  LOL (anyone who knows me knows that i literally laughed OUT LOUD)!!!  I just got it 2 weeks ago…i completely forgot – LOL!!! 
Well we had a good laugh, talked about his mother a little and then went on with our days.

Superpower Day

So i signed up to take a 30 post challenge- 30 days, 30 posts (on this blog) and i FAILED miserably.  It was supposed to be for the month of APril.  If i’m not mistaken, 4/1 was either a Saturday or Sunday, so from the get go, i was out!  well, one of the topics was a Superpower Day.  If you had 1 superpower for 1 day, what would it be?

I believe that mine would be the ability to teleport.  Do you know  just how many days, i look up to the top of the steps and think, “ugh!, y can’t i just sleep/stay down here?” OR if i go somewhere and have to walk in to a place and the walk happens to be a long walk (I try to save my walking for important stuff), do what i have to do, then walk BACK out!!  it would be so nice if i could close my eyes or click my fingers and in 2 secs i could be where i need to be.

or…how bout if i could close my eyes or wave my hands and me and all my fellow MSers and all sick people could be healed -wouldn’t that be great?  i could wake up the next morning and go back to a dance school, i’d go home for the next Carnival for sure and tell Tysabri to kiss my ass!  I’ll keep the canes tho – they kinda cool and i like them.

ooooh…also how bout if i realize i going and eat dirt/concrete and i’m in a lil embarrassing situation, i could close my eyes and become invisible.  now, that would be great! hmmmm, what else????

okay…i’ll stop now.  maybe it’s just as well that i don’t have a superpower for a day – i wouldn’t know what to choose!

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