Author: Stax
10 Things I Couldn’t Live Without
My support groups – the inner circle and the not so inner circle, my family and friends – without them – woe woe woe would be me, i can’t even begin to think of what i would do without them.
ALCOHOL – i’m no alcoholic in fact i like to think of myself as an alcohol lover – to steal a phrase from someone – an alcohol “connoisseur” if you will…but let me tell u, this shit would be so much harder to deal with if i couldn’t indulge from time to time
My (AM/PM) pill boxes – I actually just had to order another set of 7 – i always know when i have a good time somewhere because for whatever reason, i come back with fewer than i left with (right now I’m recycling 3!)! I would not be able to keep up with the pills i need to take daily AND at specific times without them.
speaking of which…the daily pill alarms – what? U think that because i’ve been taking them EVERY DAY at the same time that i would remember to actually take them? NOT!
My canes – God forbid i didn’t have those things
My handy dandy handicap decal – nuff said!
Shoes with a small heel – i just don’t understand why the hardest thing that i ever have to do at any given time is walk barefoot OR walk in a flat shoe; it can be quite depressing (not being able to walk barefoot, that is)
A walk-in shower – i was never a bath person but i do remember that when i moved in here, i was a tad bit disappointed that i didn’t have a bath tub. HAH!! these days i am so, so, so glad that i don’t have to deal with stepping over the edge of the bathtub to bathe…ugh! it would take me so much longer every day just to get ready
My ability to work from home – ugh! going into an office every single day would just be so difficult for me – i shudder to think
My cellphone – it doesn’t grow out of my ear like some people, but i really need to have it with me at all times. Think about it, when i find myself in those funny situations, i won’t be able to pick up the phone and call someone for us to both laugh at myself or be talked “off the ledge”
There you have it (and i’m sure i can keep going) but…i’m not sure how i would go on without the items on this list, some of course, are just a wee bit more important than others 🙂
the “Good” Ole Days
Truthfully, i havent been drinking water like i normally do/should be for the past few weeks, i knew that things might have been tricky. in fact, it wasn’t until Monday nite, i said to myself, “shit, i have an infusion tomorrow – i should have been drinking water for the past week!” there was a new nurse there too and the older heads let her come to me (poor thing); she didn’t stand a chance in hell – she kept apologizing and eventually gave up after the 2nd time.
I also had a follow up appt. with my neurologist. good news – there is no additional scarring/signs of PML on the last MRI so things are stable. Unfortunately, Stacey being Stacey took advantage of the fact that i was off the entire day, so i went to the barber and made another doctor’s appt that morning so by the time i got in to see him, i wasn’t in good shape. I wasn’t the worst i can be, but i was bad enuf that he was concerned. i told him that by the time my infusion was done, i’d be ok…and of course i was.
On a side note, he opened the exam room door and exclaimed, “oh! what did u do with your hair?” (remember i’d just come from the barber so it was fresh) well i still havent answered him because i was in so much shock. First, he’s a man and secondly, he’s my doctor who i don’t see that often (granted he’s seen me with my mohawk already but still) – i couldn’t believe it!!! LOL
oh…P.S – i’m up to 8 falls now.
so…we decided to go and lime in Bootleggers in Trincity Mall; it’s a sports bar. Problem was that my parents weren’t sure which door we should go thru for the shortest walk for me. OB deposited us at the one nearest the elevator because of course, Bootleggers is upstairs. Well turns out, that door was about 6 miles from the place – okay, so maybe i’m exaggerating just a tad, but i swear thats how it felt to me 🙂 we walked down 1 aisle, then another only to discover that the elevator was OUT OF ORDER – fckin A!! Did i mention that Trincity Mall is apparently the biggest one in the Caribbean???by this time, my left leg was saying, “oh hell no, u not serious!!” but i kept going. problem was that Bootleggers was upstairs and the elevator wasn’t working….we came up with a plan. My cousin, AA would go on my left and Learls would be on my right as i board and come off the escalator. ordinarily i could use an escalator as long as i step on and off with my right foot…well this time since the left foot was already saying, “uh uh, nope i done work” things were going to be tricky. getting on was okay, coming off was a little unnerving but we made it. so now Bootleggers is around the corner. “around the corner” for normal folk is around the corner, “around the corner” for me sometimes is 2 miles away and that nite, it might as well have been 12! At that point, the group decided that it was time to take drastic measures and AA held the right leg and Learls took the left and they carried me the rest of the way all the way into the bar.
We got in and had to wait for a few minutes – i sat down during this time to try to get the left foot going again. Alas, it still didn’t feel like working by the time we were to be seated so here we were – a group of people taking 2 steps every hour thru the bar because 1 of them was having problems – at that point OB took to bending down and “walking” the left foot for me. a fella took pity on us and allowed us to use his booth that was closer and the same size (he was waiting on his party to arrive). All in all, a good time, but what excitement/drama to get there.
Of course at the end of the nite, since i was sitting for the whole time, i was able to walk out and wouldnt you know it – we discovered a MUCH closer door – will definitely remember that for next time!
Fun times cyah done!!!
I had no falls, but, of course there is a story! of course, at the end of it all, everybody was laughing, but i tell u…okay sorry, i can’t type it all right now, but i’ll definitely tell it tomorrow – promise!