People Never Cease to Amaze

I went to a restaurant by myself on Sunday.  The place was quiet – not too many people at all but as i was walking out, the host approached me and offered to hold my leftovers, then he said, “i can also hold ur purse if u’d like, i wouldn’t steal it.”  At that point, i figured well hell, if he wants to hold all my stuff, i might as well take advantage and hold on to him to walk out.  He ended up walking me all the way to my car, making sure i was strapped in, closed my door and watched me drive away.  can u say service?  lol  Maybe i have very low expectations of people in general so when someone goes out of their way to help me (even when i’m not struggling (in my book, i guess)) it really kinda blows me away – maybe i should get over that.

so…i fell this morning (wee hours), which means i’m up to 9 for the year.  I won’t get into a whole lot of details but i woke up, got out the bed and …..  it wasn’t bad but it was quite painful – i might have a bruise but it is what it is.

Everything else has been real quite, u know what they say, no news is good news – i’ve not been suffering thru anything weird or new and shit has been stable.  I’ve been really busy at work and me and Dragon have been getting along much better.  i still have to reread everything that it types and correct words here and there but for the most part it’s working out quite well.

Ole Talk Thursday

so using the Dragon software is getting better only because i’ve been using it only to dictate and not to do EVERYTHING else that it’s supposed to b able to do.  I have to speak “properly” of course, for it to understand.  Some of us come up here and develop what we refer to as a “fresh water yankee accent” but i cyah/refuse to do that shit, so my “work speak” is much slower that my “lime speak” so that everyone (and now Dragon) can understand me.  it’s funny as hell to see what it types when i speak “normal”.  i wish i could give a little demonstration here but alas, it’s only on my work laptop and i can’t use that to create posts anymore.  Yesterday tho, i was typing an email to send to G and S and i thought i was speaking “properly” but u should have seen what it picked up vs. what i actually said.  HAH!!

I’ve never been embarrassed walking with my cane.  i seem to remember feeling a little self conscious the first few times i used it and not using it all the time (remember this story?  LOL) but never embarrassed …but i’ve come to realize that i’d prefer to get out of my car when no-one is around.  it’s not that i feel embarrassed, but sometimes it’s just not an easy, fluid motion – hardly ladylike or graceful (some may argue that they woulda never use those 2 word to describe me anyway, but that’s not the point :-)).  Of course, by the time i get out and start to walk, it’s obvious that something is wrong with me, so maybe u can understand y i got out how i did, i’d just rather no-one is around to see.

I’ve talked about side effects of medication in general and i’ve spoken about PML (1 of the side effects of Tysabri) but a side effect of 1 of the other pills i’m popping is seizures (happy happy joy joy).  The other night i had a weird experience and by the time i’d thought it thru i’d wondered if i should be concerned about a seizure.  Turns out it was an isolated experience and nothing to be alarmed about – whew!  it still had me kinda thinking tho…

alright that’s enuf for today…besides i have a conference call to go and join.  so, allyuh have a GREAT day until next time…


Friday 13th

so i shoulda know better than to go in on Friday 13th to get my installation eh?  i tell u!!!  the story does end well – i finally got the software.  good thing the branch closes at 6 on Fridays because after having to reboot and restart the installation TWICE, it was finally over at 5:39!  i won’t get into the story of my using it, but suffice it to say that i was so friggin frustrated with it yesterday that i completely shut down (after bout 2 hours) and went and lime instead.  I made a little more progress this morning with it but i still have far to go.

i going and ole talk for a bit…

saturday morning i woke up, got ready to go to the barber and “trotted” (as only i can trot) downstairs…while sitting having my breakfast, it occurred to me that i didn’t have my pills – SHIT!!  so now i have to go BACK up, get them and come BACK down – AGAIN…u have to understand, sometimes when these things happen, they put a damper on my mood because i’m just not sure how i’ll function for the rest of the day after all the extra trekking up and down…Steups!   Turns out that all was well for the day but it dawned on me while coming back down that, “ahhah!  i have some extra pill boxes (from the time that i had to order a new “weekly” pill thingamajig so now i actually have 10 cases because i was recycling 3 prior to ordering) so i can have a extra supply on the 2nd floor in the rare instance (it really does happen very rarely) that i forget the pills upstairs.   I’ve since filled those puppies up and stored them in the kitchen.

Needless to say, i was pleased as punch with myself for having that BRILLIANT idea 🙂  anything to save me from walking unnecessarily deserves a pat on the back

Jokes, Jokes and more Jokes

so i’ve mentioned before that there are times that if i don’t laugh i’ll cry.  I’ve also mentioned before that laughing at myself is one of the best ways (that i know how) to deal with some of the situations i find myself in.  Well that also holds true for the people around me too.  Now, as Trinis, we can be crude, insensitive, so non-PC and i can go on…BUT we are also warm, fun loving, the best people to have in ur corner when things go awry.  I was with an American once; it was his first time around Trinidadians and at some point in the relationship he said, “you all are nice people u know, you’re just not nice to each other” and sometimes when i hear some of the things we say to each other, no wonder the fella said that.  LOL…anyhoo, thought i’d share 2 jokes with you here.

so, we’re on the boat and for whatever reason the water got rough (u have to understand, we were on a bloody lake – ain’t no reason for the water to get rough).  I was walking with someone at the time (good thing) and the conversation went like this:
Me: “what the!?!?  wha’s all this???  good thing i doh get sea sick normally”
Mello: “sea sick? i cyah believe u could get sea sick…the way you does walk all the time, u eh supposed to get sea sick!”
buh wha d???  someone else may have gotten offended because clearly he was making fun of how i walk, but we laughed and went on with the day…
Here’s a conversation that took place between Ari and G:
G: I left my purse next to Stacey downstairs.  If you’re getting up, make sure and take it with u
Ari: OK…what about if Stacey gets up?
G:  LOL!!!  LMAO!!! ROFLMAO!!!!
(she never actually said anything, she only busted out laughing like a mad woman at the thought of my getting up – granted it was on the boat as well and i had some challenges but…)

I’m glad that i can provide them with some comic relief :-).  Maybe it’s the same for everyone else around me too…if they don’t laugh, they’ll cry, so hell we ALL laughing and laughing hard!
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