Breathing – it seems simple enough right…i mean without breath i wouldn’t be writing this and u wouldn’t be reading it; simple right? thing is, DEEP breathing really goes a long way to help when i find myself in awkward situations. years ago in yoga, the instructor would instruct us to breathe using our bellies, belly breathing. Deep breath in(to) ur belly (thru ur nose) – so ur abdomen is expanded instead of ur chest when u take that deep breath. this is believed by some to be a healthier way to get our oxygen and is sometimes used as therapy. well the truth is, it really works.
Anytime i find myself in a weird position or i want to calm myself down (say, after a fall and my body seems to stop working), a few deep “belly” breaths usually does the trick and once i’m calm, things go bad to “normal” and i can move again. My “problem” is that i haven’t made a routine of it. I need to just set aside some time daily to practice OR better fete, incorporate it into some of my daily routines and just spend a few minutes breathing before and/or after i do certain things.
Deep breathing really comes in handy when i have to deal with people on the phone who screw up my name and such. the other day i was talking to a woman trying to get an explanation of something that had happened a few minutes before and she said, “u must be confused” and right at that point, i lost it and was bout to cuss her ass out but instead i took a few deep breaths and i calmly told her, “don’t tell me i’m confused” and continued the conversation (it was MS related; had to do with my shipment of medication, so i had to get the situation resolved). i was so proud of myself and told G when she got home that she too, would have been proud of me because it’s so hard for me to keep my cool in some situations.