
so went in for my infusion on Friday…

good news!

  • guess at some point i lost track of things…i was already scheduled for my infusion on 12/18 and i’m leaving on 12/21, so there was no need to get my panties in a bunch last week about my travels.  That day will be an extremely long day at the center – i have to have an MRI of my neck AND spine (it’ll take about 2 hrs (read FOREVER) oh goody, can’t wait), the infusion and then i go to see my doctor for a regular 6 mth check up.  1st appt is at 10:30 and the last is 3:45 – can you say all day in there?  ugh!!!
not so good news…
  • apparently word on the street is that BG 12 won’t be available until summer 2013 – “great”…we have to wait even longer now.
other news…
  • my veins are acting up again.  there’s a new nurse in the infusion room and try as she might last month, she couldn’t get to one.  so friday when i entered the room, i looked at her and said, “ready for me?”  i was actually joking because i knew that she probably would be just as unlucky this time around.  well i guess she likes a challenge because she came over – “great”!!  well after the 2nd time, she gave up and decided to call in the big guns!  now Anita always gets it on her first try (no problems), but not this time, she had to poke around before the vein finally gave in and caved.  i’m so ready for BG12 it’s not funny.  
and wouldn’t you know it, when i got home, i looked down and there was a vein so big and large (well as large as mine get) bulging and staring up at me and laughing like nobody’s business!  STEUPS!!
I’m asking Santa for bigger veins this Christmas!

Hol it dong…

Ole Talk Wednesday

so i’ve started watching AMC’s “The Walking Dead” – let me just say, very good show, but as i was looking at those zombie bitches shuffle along, it occurred to me that we walk just alike.  i shoulda gone and tried out for a part as an extra (it’s filmed right here in Atlanta), i woulda gotten the part.  the only thing is for some things with no brains they move really fast and for that alone I might not have gotten the job.

it’s time to start thinking about hibernation – i’m already slightly pissed off because of the temperatures here.  Anyhoo, Saturday nite i went to a friend’s house lime.  In fact it was while i was getting ready to go that i realized that I’m going to have to start dressing differently and it was only because of who it was having the lime that i continued dressing – anyone else and i would have kept my ass home!  he has a friend (whom i’ve met before) who’s father has MS.  when i saw the guy, i asked about his father.  as it turns out it had been a rough past 2-3 months, although he was on the mend.  He uses a catheter and the line had gotten infected; he was lying in bed and clearly something was wrong but he kept telling his wife that he was fine (talking to the men here – u know how you all tend to be – u’re not going to any doctors for anything!).  Luckily his wife decided not to listen to him and called 911.  Long story short, the infection had moved throughout his body and he ended up spending a long time in the hospital.  if she hadn’t acted when and how she did, the outcome might have been much different.  we talked for a while and 1 thing that Onyx kept telling me was to “keep working out”.  he peppered our conversation with that any chance he got because he’d seen what happened to his father when he stopped and just couldn’t stress to me the benefits of working out regularly and consistently.

I mentioned in a recent post about my having to think things thru entirely before i do something.  well one of the things that i NEVER think about that i really need to is my “juicing” appointments.  I bought a ticket to go home for Christmas the other day and it was only AFTER i bought it that i realized that i’d probably need to go in for my medication on the same day *gasp* – surely didn’t thinkTHAT thru entirely did I???  i’ve come up with a solution that i hope will work.  going in on friday and will find out then – fingers, eyes, toes, legs all crossed because i not trying to hear that i have to change my ticket!

alright, as u were – i gone so.  hope u all have a GREAT day!

Miami: The Good

Funny…Miami carnival is really not about the parade – it’s about the lime and the parties!

pump yuh cane and “jump” 

Gyal Bend Ova

so we limin in the back yard (the house was on water’s edge) one day – 4 of us and the conversation went like this:

M:  ooh, ooh, do u see it?  right there … not sure what it is but right there in the water
A:  well we in FL, so it might be an alligator
L:  well if it’s an alligator and it comes right up here, we can all run fast and go inside….well, at least 3 of us will get away!
Me:  HAHA!! u not funny…i’ll beat it off with my cane – none of allyuh could do that

anyhoo..this is how we do!

Before boarding the boat and setting sail…
After boarding the boat,  party hype…

this bugger (on the left) always chainin up people to do shots!!!

last nite of rhell limin

latah Miami…till next year!

Having MS…


I’m not rolling in dough but i don’t need anything either.  10-15 years ago, i hadn’t been diagnosed as yet (did i already have MS and it just hadn’t reared its ugly head or was it just thinking of ways to invade my body) and i really couldn’t afford to travel here and there without a moment’s thought but now that i can afford it (somewhat) i can’t go anywhere willy nilly.  I have to think about “should i get a scooter to move around?  does it make sense for me to go?  is there a handicapped room or a walk in shower for me?” – it sucks!!

speaking of walk in showers…so i rented a house in FL this year for my birthday and this year for Miami carnival we also rented a house.  Miss (H) knows that she always has make sure that the house has a walk in shower to accommodate me.  it always works out that every time we are the first ones there, so we always park ourselves in the master bedroom (9x/10, that’s where the walk in is) and let others “fight” for other bedroom space.  Anyhoo, so i enter the shower in the Miami carnival house and it is literally as big as my entire bathroom here.  i actually had to walk around in the shower to get to things like my shower gel, shampoo etc (because there was no shelving anywhere near the shower itself).  By the 3rd day, i didn’t want to take any chances and was actually taking my cane IN the shower with me just to be extra careful.  lol…did i actually use it IN the shower?  no…but i thought it was better to be safe than sorry!

Luckily, i’m still very independent.  i can really only think of 1 thing that G does for me on a regular basis that i’m unable to do for myself.  I’m single, so anytime i want to go anywhere/do anything, if i have noone to go with me, i have to think about “is it safe for me to go alone/does it even make sense for me to go/do it?”

  • the other day i wanted to go and buy some doubles and pholourie and thought twice about it because i was told that there was a small incline up which to walk. “small inclines to everyone else means Mt. Everest to me” so best i stay my ass home and find something else to eat 

that sucks too but it is what it is.  can’t do anything about it because it appears that the MS has parked up and made a home of my body so i just have to deal with the fact that life has changed and i can’t just do things on a whim whenever/however i feel like it.

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