anyhoo, finally the lady being helped was done and it was my turn and of course, there was a problem. long story short, the lady behind me walked up and started talking to the attendant too, so i said, “oh, so now u just going to cut in front of me???” she responded with something witty, we laughed and started talking a little. i was in the grocery so i was using the handy dandy motorized cart and when she said something about laughing and making reference to what was wrong with me, i said, “yes, well in my situation i have to laugh sometimes.” i shared that i had MS and then she shared that she was there for her epilepsy medication because “watching a seizure just a’int no fun. I’ve never actually seen it but so i’ve heard. MS…i really don’t know which one’s worse.” I couldn’t agree more…i told her about my mother’s theory that if we were allowed to put all our diseases in a barrel and pick out another, we would reach in and pick the same one we initially put in. Diseases! they’re ALL WRETCHED!
so after i didn’t get my prescription, i go to my car and as i’m walking to it, i realize “ah shit! the car next to me on my side is kinda close (there were no handicapped spots when i got there so the spot i was in didn’t have the extra space i’m used to). i knew i wouldn’t be able to open my door all the way and i NEED that. i was actually able to open my door halfway without banging it against the car (okay good, that’s one step) but try as i might, i couldn’t get my left foot into my car! GREAT! luckily for me the driver was sitting in the car still, so i had to get her attention and ask her to reverse a little, just so that i could open my door all the way, get my foot in and be on my way. of course, i had to laugh at myself…couldn’t help it.
happy happy joy joy…fun times with Stacey!