btw…I typed this on my phone using the Blogger app. It’s not as frustrating as Dragon altho it’s a little more work but at least the stupid white border is not there. Ah gone so!
Author: Stax
One Month Later
i talked about my telephone woes in my last post (the only issue i actually had) and everything worked out so i got the new pack yesterday. as it turns out, i had missed a dose (of course) last month, so i had an extra pill that i took Monday morning so i only missed 1 dose (monday nite).
after my rough month last month, i’d said that i was back to normal. i thought i was just based on how i was moving about a few times…the truth is, i’m not. Doing things that i’m used to doing (out and about) are not as easy for me anymore. i am still hopeful that there might be an explanation other than “the MS is progressing (ugh)” – maybe i’ll write about that later.
for now, i’m hanging in there…
Really?!?! Steups
so who thought that it was a good idea to preauthorize me for ONLY the starter pack of Tefidera (the 1st pack of medication includes 7 “beginner” pills that are actually half the normal dose to introduce it into ur system and then u increase to the regular dose after that)? some asshole somewhere amongst my doctor’s office, the insurance company and the drug manufacturer. Now, if that’s how things are supposed to work then that is just downright STUPID!
apparently the insurance company will not pay for the drug unless preauthorization is given. okay, no problem i can live with that. what i cannot understand for the life of me is, “why give preauthorization one month ago for the starter pack of the drug and nothing else?” was i going to take the starter pack alone and come off the drug??? why not authorize the starter pack and (oh by the way), lets authorize the maintenance (subsequent months of the drug) one time because…well that just makes sense! of course i didn’t find out about this issue until last week thursday or so but the person i spoke with said, “looks like u will still be able to get ur shipment on the 5th”….okay so i thought all was well, until i got an automated message to “call the pharmacy because there’s a problem.” on Monday of this week. long story short, today is Friday and it appears that when i run out of medication on Sunday, i’ll be up a creek without a paddle for a few days.
i wish i can be brave like all those out there who are managing this disease without the drugs! i’ll have extra money in my pocket and not have to deal with foolishness like this.
People’s Reactions
- right off the bat however, i can tell whether or not the person even knows what ” Multiple Sclerosis” is – they just kinda nod their heads and keep it moving. no reaction (not that i need one), no additional comments, nothing. it almost looks like they were embarrassed that they asked.
- then there are those who say things like, “oh i’m so sorry to hear that” and we may engage in some small talk about “life throwing u curveballs and u jes hadda deal”
- lol…there was this old man 1 time, after i told him what was wrong, he said something that to this day i have no idea what it was. i’m not convinced that even he knew because he kind had the “deer in the headlights” look as he was saying it…but then he said, “well at least you’re out and about here doing your thing” and i smiled and said, “i sure am”.