Side Effect?

World Cup started June 12th so the 14th I sat and watched 4 football matches and what did I do on June 15? Sit and watch 3 football matches – oh and ate lunch and dinner in between.  So there was no way that I could NOT notice that I’d been feeling fluttering in my chest the whole weekend. What the?!?! As with anything MS related, I started monitoring it.

  • Let me take you back a few years. I used to tell G (I’m older) that 35 is the magic number. At 35, my body started nudging me (MS aside) and saying,”aye!  Settle down. I not as young as I used to b yuh know”. That’s when bones started hurting and joints started creaking. She laughed me away because you know, i talking shit. Eh heh? At 35 her heart palpitations began! She got it checked out and all is good but…
What the hell? I was getting heart palpitations that lasted about 6 secs every so often all day long!  It felt like somebody had a feather and was running it along the inside of my chest. Now if u remember, I had bout 50 EKGs before and after my first dose of Gilly. The heart is something to watch while on it. Great! Was I experiencing something as a result of my taking Gilly? I really didn’t want to but I made the call – remember I not trying to hear that I hadda give up Gilly…I didn’t hear that. Whew! Luckily nothing else was also going on at the same time – no dizziness, nausea, nothing so (i’m guessing) that’s why the nurse at the MSCA told me to continue taking Gilly and go to my PCP.  
I went in and…u guessed it! Another EKG!!  good news – it was normal but just to be sure Dr. J wanted me to wear something called a holter for 24 hours – it monitors heart activity. I did, he got the results (I assume)…I haven’t followed up šŸ™  The way I figure, no news is good news. The doctor’s office ALWAYS calls when there’s a problem right? Ok ok I’ll call later – I promise.

kā€¦so maybe my body didn’t look exactly like this but u get the picture

Btw, I wrote this last nite…the last time I felt a palpitation was last week Friday nite and before that? Not even Friday during the day so I haven’t a clue.

It’s all good man šŸ™‚

Follow Up Visits

Soon after Atlanta carnival came and went, I went to the MSCA for my “3 month” check up. I swear I can give anyone of you a neurological exam (and I won’t even charge as much as the doctors do). 

  • Follow my pen with ur eyes only, don’t move your head
  • Squeeze my fingers
  • (While seated) Push up ur thighs while I push down
  • Push out ur knees while I push in etc. etc.

Anyhoo, I did good. I think I’ve mentioned on here before that individually, my muscles work and test great.  Put them all together to do one simple function and it all goes to shit!!! Anyways, my disability hasn’t worsened since last year this time (that’s a lie, i swear my left hand is curled up all the damn time) altho I’m much more dependent on my cane, soā€¦ugh! What has happened with the cane is that times in the past when I fell and didn’t have it, I’d start using it to do whatever/go wherever when I fell. So now, I’m using it 100% of the time – dunno if that’s a good or bad thing.  I didn’t really expect improved walking ability with Gilly per se but I was hopeful – oh well. I haven’t had any flare ups of the disease (nothing out of the ordinary happening) so looks like it’s doing what it’s supposed to.  I head for an MRI in September cuz Dr. Gilbert wants me to be on it for at least 6 months before we get one. No additional lesions anywhere will confirm that Gilly is working. We talked again about Lemtrada because he thinks that I’m a great candidate for it;  it was submitted again to the FDA in March or thereabouts   An approval is not expected till the end of the year or so, so we’ll see. 

I also went to see dr. Ray at Sears Optical because that’s another thing that I now have to keep up with (being sick is a bitch!). Have to make sure I have no signs of Macular Edema. Well she did her thing, she told me that everything looked good and she was going to send the results to the MSCA.  Have I followed up to make sure they got it? No. In fact that only occurred to me as I typed the question. Heeheehee…guess I should do that. 

Anyhoo, so that’s it for all my “things to take care of after being on Gilly”ā€¦as you were – i gone so.


It certainly wasn’t my plan to stay away this long…smh! I have so many things to tell u, but I’ll start with Atlanta carnival and “fete of the year” since that’s where I left off. So cooler fete has lost its “fete of the year” title…that honour now goes to “Sunday Morning”. It’s the (you guessed it) Sunday of memorial weekend and starts at 8am. Wow! BESS FETE!!! It was in an open park-like area this year and at first, I was worried bout using the Soca Scooter (name given by B to the scooter) cuz of the grass but everything was fine.  I’ll continue going to cooler fete because…well that’s jes what I do, but it definitely has lost its appeal. Yes, it was shut down AGAIN this year altho apparently it was because of a fight or something so. All I know is that the music stopped and people started leaving, plus it was cold no ass that night (in FRIGGIN May!!!! (it’s outdoors)), so there really was no reason to stick around. Steups!

Something happened that night and it’s something that I’ve noticed here and there. Anytime I go to a party in the Soca Scooter, I lime on the outskirts so I’m not in the middle of the crowd. There were tents along the perimeter of the place and we were liming under one. Of course, regardless of where I am, people will walk by and 8/10, someone will walk into SS (and throw down my drink – GRRRRRR) and then look down and walk around.  Well this time, the gyurl walked into it and it was like she got vex that she had to walk around.  It actually was a few of us standing there at the time and when Raj reacted, I just knew they would come to blows. I heard her scream, “she’s in ah fcuking scooter, where u want her go?”  LOVE my friends šŸ™‚
I also stuck to my decision and stayed home on parade day – honestly? I surprised myself; I didn’t think I’d do it. From all accounts, I didn’t miss anything so I believe that’s it for me and Atlanta parade.

The weekend in picturesā€¦

Cooler feteā€¦see my jacket?  in MAY!!!
Soca Scooter
I’m taller than them šŸ™‚
Masquerader #1
Masquerader #2
Bussin ah wine in Sunday Morning
Us @ Sunday Morning

It’s (almost) That Time Again

Fete of the year!!

Cooler fete is 5/17.  Is in the same place as last year so does that mean Dekalb County’s Finest Morons/Assholes will leave us alone? They didn’t shut it down last year so there’s hope. This year should be better than ever – it’s the 10 year anniversary so there’s a top DJ (imported straight from Trinidad) AND a BOSS artiste.  I plan to go get my haircut and GO STRAIGHT BACK HOME! Will do my eyebrows on Friday.

Scooter is…

a “problem”? – **GASP!!!**

This year, I’ll b here for Atlanta carnival on Memorial Day weekend.  I was actually thinking of going somewhere (last year I went home) but u know what they say bout the best laid plans so…when I realized that I’d be here, I had to make a decision. To go on the road or to not go on the road???

Hmmmm 2 years ago, about 3/4 way thru the route, the scorching sun and glorious heat started taking a toll on my body and my fingers started slipping off the scooter controls – that’s when G started driving and…well…remember what happened??? Lol. Do I want to put us thru that again?!? Well, barring that I can go on the truck – I’ve done that many times before (Miami, DC)…I can more than do it right here in Atlanta.  But…do I feel like doing that this year? Quite frankly, I don’t really think the parade in Atlanta is that great so…but I am a carnival jumbie so I decided that what the heck, I’ll do it…but then I started thinking…”Uh oh. What about the scooter?” The DJs are okay with me on the truck…but the scooter??? I can’t leave it behind cuz we hadda get from wherever we park to the band so I’ll need it. It’s bad enuf that they’ll hadda haul my ass up on the truck but now I’ll hadda ask them to haul the scooter up too? (If there’s even room for it!)

I decided against it. I don’t feel like asking anyone to put me and my motorbike (yes.  OB calls it that sometimes- LOL) on their truck. So for the first time in how much ever years (ever since I discovered Atlanta carnival?), I’ll b liming, drinking (INSIDE A HOME), waiting “patiently” for everyone to reach back after everything done. I hope I make it.

You’ll see how well I handled sometime next month when I write that post!  Lol!

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