I’ve had some physical therapists over the years. I went to 2 or 3 facilities and ended up stopping each one for one reason or other. Some years ago, I discovered “home health care”. Up until then I had no idea that even existed – I guess it’s not until u really need something and start poking around that u really realize what’s “out there” – and for whatever reason, I decided to do in home PT.
A side note: I’ve had 2 in home therapists and dealing with the 2 of them (and a few other in home health workers) convinced me that the majority of them are crackheads/sprangers/knuckleheads/insert whatever word u prefer to use here.
I stopped using the first guy right when I started declining 2 years ago and the 2nd? Well after 4 sessions I never saw him again – go figure! He was a waste of time anyway so I never tried to track him down either. I met the Bioness rep to get my bionic foot at the
Shepherd Center. Shepherd Center is a very well known, highly recommended brain and spinal cord injury rehabilitation center here in Atlanta and while we were organising, she asked me if I had a therapist. When I told her no, she suggested that I try to get in right upstairs at their MS Institute – in her opinion, the best in the state, maybe even the nation. I took her advice and asked Dr. Gilbert to get the ball rolling. When the Shepherd Center rep called me to confirm everything she warned me that the wait for PT was a 6-8 weeks. Wowzer! Oh well I best get on the waiting list…i’ll get pick at some point. Wouldn’t u know it a week later I got another call to schedule appointments – fella said that patients requiring Occpational Therapy
and PT get priority. Sweet! OT wasn’t even on my mind, Gilbert just wrote the script that way.
Each time I chose a PT, I’d do so after reaching out to the MS Society to find out who they’d recommend cuz maybe the person focused on or was interested in MS patients (cept the in home people – u jes have to take what u get with them); turns out that each of the therapists i chose had a friend or family member with the disease so they were familiar with it. Well the Shepherd Center has an MS Institute – MS is the therapists’ only focus. There are so many machines and gadgets in there and I was exposed to so much – I’m really happy that I took the Bioness chick’s advice. I’m on a break right now (unlike before, not my doing) but a new prescription was just faxed in. Only problem with that is that who knows if I’ll be lucky again and be bumped up to the top of the waiting list – I’m not given first preference just because I was there before – oh well…as usual, all I can do is wait and see…
I gone so…allyuh have a good weekend.
P.S. More to come on my PT experience.