
I’ve been missing. Forgive me; I travelled a lot in August then family in town the first weekend in September which included a holiday and a short week. It was a whirlwind and now September may as well be over cuz time goes by so quickly. Anyway, back to our regularly scheduled programme.

Two things still fascinate me even after 13 years of dealing with this disease….hmmmm, lehme say 8 years cuz I started using my canes in 2010. They are:

* When people accurately guess that I have MS
* Just how helpful people (read strangers) really can be

I remember years ago I was flying somewhere. I’m assuming that it was before I started using my cane and maybe before I started using the wheelchair assistance. Anyhoo, I was putting my shoes and shit back on after having gone thru security and the lady sitting next to me said, “u must have MS”. It floored me because you have to remember, back then it was a disease about which very little was known. It wasn’t like now when I swear I hear of someone being diagnosed every Monday morning – heard of someone just this past Sunday. When I said “yes  how’d u know?”, she told me that her daughter had it and our movements were very similar. A couple weeks ago, the Lyft driver who picked me up was in an SUV. In the past anytime I realised that an SUV was on the way, I’d cancel.  These days I cyah bother so I just figure it out and let the driver help me as needed (except for the time that saddist showed up in a Ford Tundra so I just sent him along his way – there was no way I coulda get into that!). Well after I was finally in and fella jumped in the driver’s seat, he said “MS?”…turns out that in a prior life he was an EMT so once again, he’d seen patients whose movements were similar to mine. It’s interesting for all the unknowns and different ways that it can affect patients, when mobility is the issue, our movements and coordination appear to be similar.

so then there was Ben who said, “oh. My mother has MS too”. He took me completely by surprise because he was the scooter delivery guy (the first time I’d ever used a scooter, it was a rental and that prompted the Soca Scooter purchase) and I was just standing in my garage. Wait…what??? How the hell do u know??? Turns out that he saw my tattoo that I’m “Fighting MS”…I’d gotten it the day before and completely forgot that it was there – DUH!

Dealing with having this disease has pushed me to be somewhat shameless in the sense that if I need help with anything I’m going to ask whomever is around. If you’ve been reading my blog all along u know that I used to be a “hero” or at least try to be (doing things on my own and not asking for any help). Well over time I’ve learned that asking for help is not a bad thing (and lehwe be honest, the help makes things move so much faster) and if someone offers to help, I say sure whether I need it or not. About a month ago I was at a bar and was waiting to use the restroom. It was a fairly large, single, ladies room and as the person walked out I asked her to hold the door for me to roll in – a door that swings out is much more difficult for me to manoeuvre than one that I can just push in – and that one swung out. If I remember correctly, at that point she asked me if I needed any other help because she’d be happy to assist however she could. Of course I said thanks but no thanks cuz I was heading to the restroom afterall.  I don’t need help in there and well, this was an absolute stranger – hello!  But then if I remember correctly, she asked me if I was sure and then said, “I can just come in to lock the door so u don’t have to worry about it”…I eh go lie, sometimes I do wish that I didn’t have to lock the door cuz rolling back and forth to do it can sometimes be a pain in the ass. I said sure. She stayed with me, she locked the door, helped me stand to move from the scooter to the goddess and back, grabbed the paper towels for me to wipe my hands and all the while, I just couldn’t believe what was happening. She told me that her name was Grace and for years she’d been helping her mother who is a paraplegic and so she understood just how a little help could go a really long way. It wasn’t a bar that I frequented and I never saw Grace again but for those 1o minutes we were in that ladies’ restroom, it was like we were best friends.

I struggled with sharing this story because I wondered if it was too much but in the end, I figured that I have nothing to be ashamed of and it’s a “warm and fuzzy” story about how selfless people can actually be sometimes. It’s Wednesday…Spence always used to say, “weekend start Wednesday”…allyuh do enjoy ur weekends!

Ah gone!

All About the MS

This post contains blunt honesty and graphic descriptions…apologies…it is what it is.

Long time I eh focus on the ms itself (I think I may have shared that I don’t capitalise this so as not to give it a whole lot of importance…kill me – it’s the little things).

Since Lemtrada I cyah lie, I’ve been stable – no disability improvement per se (purely as a result of Lemtrada) but stable. At the end of the day, guess I’ll take that and run with it. It’s very weird though, actually maybe it’s not weird it’s just multiple sclerosis. Before my first infusion at the end of 2015, when I woke up at night to pee, my bladder wouldn’t empty. I would pee, think I’m done and go back to bed and as soon as my head hit the pillow, I’d have to get up again. Steups…when it first started happening I thought that it was a normelnormel thing, only to find out that no; it’s the ms. I don’t remember what I started doing but I assume that I would stay on the goddess till the second stream came out. Post infusion number 1, that shit stopped. I can’t tell u just how excited I was to realise that I could just go back to bed without issue. For a year, I was peeing at night quite blissfully…and then came infusion #2.ugh! It started back.

was it coincidence? Hell I don’t know but it’s quite strange in my book. Steups. The other weird thing is that it only happens when I wake up at night and it’s always very urgent the second time around; I don’t experience anything close to that happening during the day. Talked to my doctor -dr. G, and he said that it probably happens during the day too but because I’m up and active I don’t notice but my argument to that is that during the day I go, I leave and I have absolutely no need to go back right away. One time years ago I’d shared my experience with a home health worker and she suggested that I press down on my bladder to help it empty completely. Well I started doing that and I must say it certainly helps – I still expel twice but the second stream comes out sooner. I would say that 95% of the time that I get up to visit the goddess at night I experience that and it is so damn annoying because all I want to do is hurry up and go back to sleep!!!

I know that one of the solutions to this is the use of a catheter; in fact I’ve heard of many ms patients who use them. Say what u want about me but I do not want to become one of those patients. thing is that pressing on my bladder will help it empty but it’s still not emptying the first time around so does it really make any difference medically? While talking to dr. G, he told me that apparently there are ways to train the bladder so that it empties every time; It’s taught in therapy with paraplegics…which reminds me, I finally got the call to go back to Shepherd for PT & OT. I go for my initial evaluation on September 4 so it’s something I’m definitely going to bring up with my therapist.

I cyah lie, apart from my forever present physical disability, that bladder issue is the only symptom of the ms that I am experiencing…well and my voice – although that is not a symptom but maybe a function of it.  Of late I am so very self conscious when speaking, it’s not funny.  I really hate to hear myself.  But anyhoo, that’s been my ms experience over the past few months.  Here’s hoping that I’ll be able to work on the bladder issues and nothing else presents itself for a long time to come..

ah gone so, Stax

Well yes…

SIGH! After I published my last post about Shurlan’s ral (a term coined by some members of my family after my grandmothers funeral – they crazy…go figure 😊) I reread it a couple times, looking for errors etc and an overwhelming sense of sadness came over me. I was:
*sad for Shurlan
*sad for J,DeeJay, Dom, Devon
*sad because dr. G was moving back home in 2 days and I’m going to miss him tremendously
*sad because…life…and I have to deal with my wretched disease ALL THE DAMN TIME

it all came crashing down on me all at once. For the first time in a long time, I felt really alone and didn’t want to go thru it all by myself. I called CYute and we made plans to lime.  I don’t think he will really understand how much I really appreciated and needed that lime that night.

anyway…so I went home on July 3rd for 10 days. Heading to Trinidad from Atlanta is not the easiest thing to do. There are no direct flights so we have to choose if we want to go thru Texas, New Jersey or Florida. I chose Fort Lauderdale because the airport, cost and schedule were ideal. When I’m travelling with my scooter, I’m on my own – I have no assistance from the wheelchair attendants in any airport. Ramp guys bring the scooter for me when we land and I bounce starter and take off to where I need to go. Landing in Fort Lauderdale on my way back was no different; I got on Bumblebee and started making my way to Customs.

I don’t know if u regular folk ever noticed this but elevators are always in a different spot than escalators that u use and that path is always less travelled. So I was heading to the elevator and bumblebee just stopped. Ah sheeeiiit! My knee usually rests near to the power switch so I hoped that maybe it bounced the switch and turned it off by mistake. I flipped the switch and still…nothing! I flipped it about 4 times to make sure I was seeing correctly and yes, the battery gauge was not moving (the indicator that the scooter is on).the battery was fully charged…that wasn’t the problem (this had happened before but both times I got him going again…after a long time. I didn’t have that time right then). i didn’t know what the hell to do (I haven’t mentioned that I was beat because my flight from Trinidad had been delayed 2 hours). I looked toward the elevator and there was 1 wheelchair attendant there pushing a passenger. Now u hadda understand, these attendants are essentially assigned to passengers who need assistance and remember that’s not me. Shit! Luckily for me, the fella was very helpful and the passenger he was pushing didn’t have a connecting flight and wasn’t in a rush. He left and found a supervisor who’d seen me deplane and who, realising my predicament, brought another chair and told the fella to push us both to baggage claim where he would tell the ramp guys to take the ‘bee. I eh go lie, as frustrated as I was about the situation, I was glad that I was in bumblebee cuz the way he folds up, it was much less hassle to move him around. By this time, I’d missed my flight to Atlanta so I had to call GHK who luckily had nothing going on that night so she could pick me up. I really cannot get into the all the details of everything else that happened in the airport when we got to baggage claim but it included my sitting in a chair (that I can’t work) for what seemed like at least an hour and waiting on the wheelchair fella to square away his original passenger and then come back for me. It was torture…I was frustrated, I was tired, I was hungry, I wanted to get the hell to Atlanta and most scarily, I wasn’t mobile.

finally I got by GHK and more drama. Every time I go by her I use a walker cuz of the layout of the apartment complex and the apartment itself. Well this was not a planned visit, so I had to hold on to both she and Dx to get to the apartment and when inside they decided to put me in a folding chair that they dragged to and fro…sigh; it was a rough night to say the least.  My original flight would had had me walking thru my front door about 9 on Saturday night…instead, I walked thru my door at 9:30 Sunday morning. There’s good news…apparently there was a blown fuse in Bumblebee’s guts that has since been replaced so he is as good as new.

All’s well that ends well I suppose.  I’ve had nightmares of not having my scooter and the shit actually came true. I can safely say that I don’t ever want to relive that ever again.

hol’ it dong, Stax


I’m beginning to think that I should stop travelling in in July. Last year I went on vacation and came back to 3 deaths. This year I went home for my 30 year reunion from high school and 4 days after returning, I learnt of the devastating news that a friend was killed in a motorcycle accident that morning. A car turned into his path and he died from his injuries. I’ve since heard that apparently the driver was arrested.

Shurlan was not someone with whom I spoke regularly, but he was one of those people I knew I could reach out to in certain situations and I could trust that he would steer me right. We didn’t see each other often but when we did it was genuine happiness on both sides. We actually grew up a street apart in the same neighbourhood but he was younger than I so I barely remember him from there. Our mothers played hockey together and to me that’s how we knew each other.  He moved to Atlanta in the early 2000s (I think) and it was right here that he died. He was a man on his own beat. One of the things I always admired about him was that he always did his own thing and he didn’t seem to give a fcuk what anybody thought about him. He did his thing and marched to his own drum…in the words of another friend “he had a flare about him for the wild side” and another, “all the tings I was too scared or self conscious to do, Shurl do”. Lol that really sums him up nicely. He was a genuine character who told it as he saw it and kept it real and I’ve heard that sentiment iterated by so many people within the last couple days.

its an odd thing for me. As soon as I turned 40, I began thinking about death more than I’d like to admit to the point that I remember having a stern conversation with myself and said, “SELF. U really need to stop with this shit. Next thing u know, u call it on urself! stop it!!”…I don’t do it as much these days but anytime one of my peers/friends/someone close dies, I think about my own mortality and I always think about their last moments…were they in pain? Did they know what was happening? Were they even awake and cognizant at the time? I can’t help it. At risk of sounding very cliched, we really must live like there’s no tomorrow. I think this is worth reposting:

This is my favourite picture of Shurlan that I’ve seen floating around Facebook. Goodbye my friend, u’ll be missed by many. It appears that he was in a motorcycle club and I pulled it down from one of their posts.

Ride in heaven meh boy!


Blog Life Cycle

The other day I was thinking about the transformation of this blog and I realised that it has pretty much ridden on the same MS roller coaster that I’ve been riding over the years (not too surprising I suppose by virtue of its name alone).

I didn’t start it until almost 5 years after my diagnosis (2009) so I was sharing everything I’d experienced to that point from memory. Additionally, I was writing every week day; I’m still amazed at that. Maybe I was really making sure that I captured everything before it flew out my brain? Who knows but everyday without fail I published a post. Back then, I was always nervous about my writing and usually felt self concious about sharing (still do sometimes). I’m sure that G got tired of me during that first month or so because I always asked her to read a post before I published it and then the first time I didn’t ask her, I was a bag of nerves. Why? Who the hell knows…go figure. I always worried when I started the day not having anything to talk about, and then somehow I’d think of something and the words would just flow. Even though it was 5 years after my diagnosis, the MS had just started rearing its ugly little head as a somewhat regular fixture in my day to day life and that was something that I had to get used to. It wasn’t until 2007 that I had my most notable exacerbation that lasted 6ish months and since then my physical disability…well u know the story. I had 2 years of blissful ignorance of what was to come.

Prior to that, I don’t think that I was affected much, so I guess you can say that I started the blog at the right time. After I started it, I had a number of medication changes and always had to go thru the process of verification and insurance coverage etc so I shared all of those woes (a saddist who asked me if my name was my real name, a doctor who insisted on marrying me off no matter how many times I corrected him) and dosage issues. Everything was always trial and error and there was a lot going on. Additionally, I had to come to terms with cohabiting with the always-present multiple sclerosis and learn how to share my space with it.  It was a constant tug of war with my trying to figure out and understand my new limits and finally facing the reality that life as I knew it was no more; that in itself came with drama and stories galore.

I’m not sure when but at some point, I started giving myself a break because I realised that there was no need to publish daily – that was just extra pressure that I was putting on myself. Then sometime in 2014, I took a turn for the worst (physically).i was still writing but the posts were few and far between and by December of that year, I could no longer write. Even though I hadn’t had an exacerbation per se, my physical disability had worsened and I wasn’t sure just how to handle things. As I suffered, so did the blog because I didn’t publish anything again until June 2016. At the time, I just couldn’t handle writing about being sick anymore and especially about getting worse – putting it in writing just drove the point home that once again, life as I knew it was done and changes needed to be made. Writing around that time didn’t bring me any joy and I just couldn’t do it any longer. Was that a bad or wrong thing? I don’t know but it was what I thought was best at the time. A month or two prior to my starting back in June, I remember that ever so often, I’d think “that’d be a good blog post” and then realise that “oh  I’m not writing these days” hmmmm.eventually I really started missing it and I had to start back.

These days, the ms (I don’t always like to give it importance and capitalize; leave me alone, it’s the little things) is stable and quiet-knock on wood-and posting daily is definitely a thing of the past.  I don’t like its presence but I’ve learned how to live my life with it’s being around all the damn time and I have little choice but to accept that I have to share my body. I have little drama and there’s just not that much going on (a very good thing if you ask me) for me to talk about hence the reason that I post weekly.   There’s no more trial and error with medication; I have the perfect combination of all tablets and CBD oil now (cept for the thyroid tablet cuz my thyroid still eh know what to do with Lemtrada).  I know that my pill cocktail is correct – it’s only 2 in the morning and 2 at night – because if I miss either dose, I’m a lil out of sorts (functional but definitely not normal)until I take them. It’s always a relief to be moving around stiffly or out of whack and then discover that I forgot to take pills. I do have to deal with one “symptom” (why can’t I ever spell this word on the first try? ever??????) and I’ll talk about it next time but it is more of an annoyance than anything else.

Anyhoo, FYI…I’m out of here next week Tuesday so I’ll be M.I.A. for a few weeks so allyuh hold it dong till I reach back.


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