Well..I been inside for the past two weeks, I know, just like everybody else for the most part. At first I was thinking (as I mentioned in my last post) that I could find some balance between staying safe and continuing to do things I want/need to. Well. No. That wasn’t the case. It’s definitely the end of hibernation, so I figured I could still find a way to start back rock climbing. I’d seen a notice that the gym was still open…well soon after my last post, I got the email that they were going to close until further notice. Of course, if I’m to be honest, I was probably being a little schupid to think that I could protect myself there. To drive the point home, G said to me, “and suppose ur side climber have it?!?” Rock climbing is out!
Spree (my trainer) and I meet in this apartment gym every Tuesday and Thursday morning. That decision was easy-ish because I got the notice that the gym was closed sometime ago. Well, to compensate for that, I figured that we could meet in my apartment and do a modified workout. Good sense eventually prevailed though, because it occurred to me that duh! when we workout together, there’s no 6 feet between us. Yeah I’ve been isolated but as far as I knew, she probably was going to work etc so I could not know for sure if she was fine. I need to be safe not sorry and essentially steer clear of EVERYBODY till this shit blows over. Gym is out!
I was scheduled for a regular follow up at the MSCA with Gilbert and I actually haven’t done an MRI in a while, so that was supposed to take place right before the appointment with Gilbert Tuesday gone. I called the office and left a message to find out what they suggested I do. Just as I was about to call and cancel cuz no-one had called me back, I got an email that they were starting telehealth visits for established patients who had follow up appointments scheduled. I jumped at that chance but cancelled my MRI – I figured that it’s been a year without one, I could wait a few months. Yuh see, I have to take Lyft to go to the MSCA and getting in someone’s Lyft car is not a priority at all these days. No offence to any Lyft drivers out there but I don’t know what sanitising practices they have between passengers and I need to be safe not sorry. Lyft is out!
I told a small white lie to start. I have gotten out lil bit – we are not on complete lockdown here. I had to do some essential shopping but I was comfortable and knew I could be in control both times. My vodka was done so I had to get a bottle so off to the liquor store I went. I was also out of my favourite chips and a few other items so I had to go the grocery. Both places are in my neighbourhood so I scooted around the place. On the road, I was in control of where I drove but I encountered no one and I was careful to stay away from people in both locations…additionally, I walked with, and used my disinfecting clorox wipes and the self checkout line in the grocery. I need to be safe not sorry – we all do, but I really need to be. We will get thru this – everyone must act responsibly and do what needs to be done to get this shit under control. Together we can do it and at some point, corona virus and covid19 will be all but a memory.