I’ve been M.I.A. forgive me; I had a visitor. Allyuh know how it is, when people come from out of state/out of the country. Was a short trip for Obs so was pace right thru. Things are back to normal now, so back to our regularly scheduled program.
a few weeks ago, I was having a conversation with a coworker and she told me that she really loves rock climbing. Some time during the conversation, my disability came up and she said that the facility to which she and her son go has a “disabilities night” if u will. They shut down the facility to able bodied folk (I think) and the disabled can go climb as much as they want.
a little background for u: Sometime within the last 10 years or so a facility called Stone Summit opened in the area where I lived. Discovering that it was a rock climbing facility, I was intrigued but back then I wasn’t into working out one bit (Steups. Ballys gym got 3 years of membership fees from me and if I went 10 times, I went plenty). Anyhoo, as intrigued as I was about the rock climbing, I did nothing about it. Fast forward to April 2018…
speaking to the chick piqued my interest once again and once she told me about their offer to the disabled, I decided to call Stone Summit (I still live close by). I called and found out that they do not shut down the place for the disabled but there is a group that goes in every Wednesday to climb and that group is specifically “dedicated to providing adaptive adventure opportunities to anyone with a physical disability.” The atlanta chapter offers climbing and cycling. All I had to do was go to their website to find the information I needed. I emailed the contact and discovered that yes every Wednesday from 7-9, for a $10 fee, I ccould go climb. I just had to complete a few forms and give them the details of my disability. Of course, I was concerned about this bothersome left side of my body but the chick to whom I was speaking said that in some situations, they’d have someone climb with me to help.
What the hell did I have to lose? I knew that if I didn’t go, I’d be mad at myself…I went 2 weeks ago. Did I know what to expect? Nope. Was I nervous? Not at all. I’ve discovered that I’ve become quite trusting in these kind of situations. Maybe it’s because I have to be? In certain situations, I need help – I cannot deny that. It’s better to get the help than not and who better to help me than someone who deals with the situation all the time. I got there, introductions were made, I was told how things go and I “gearsed up” – my harness and shoes (there are special rock climbing shoes). Since it was my first time I was given the option of climbing the less intimidating wall – I took it.
So right now I’m using the word “climb” very loosely. They actually put me in a pulley rope system they have designed – remember it’s adaptive climbing. So it was a combination of my physically climbing and their using the pulley to get me up (I cyah lie, it was mostly pulley). I only went that one time cuz remember Obs was here for a short time and we had things going on. I had a blast, I actually went up twice and am looking forward to going again. Going forward, I’d like to start climbing more and using the pulley less (that’s my goal). Additionally, there weren’t enuf volunteers that night for someone to climb with me, so hopefully the next time I go, someone will be there who can “be my left side” so to speak. They can place these limbs or at least help to get them where they need to be. I’m heading there tonight, so stay tuned!

Truth is I’m not surprised by the story, I know you are always capable of taking on these challenges. The real take away for me is the new hairstyle. (where can i find an emoji here?) #rockingNappy
I eh go lie…sometimes i still surprised I’m okay with all that hair on my head.
I just love that you tried wall climbing.
You are more brave than me because I won’t do it. Very inspiring
It’s always inspiring and a pleasure 2 read ur blog!!! U r awesome 👍🏾👏🏾💪🏾❤️
Lookin’ good babes. Ah love it.
Go Stax!
Again, putting us lazy urchins to shame. (Pam Ramcheran, where yuh? )