I got it…Soca Scooter 2.0 is here. As u will see he’s canary yellow – not what I wanted but I didn’t have a choice. I really wanted the bright green but the company only sells those in the UK. He’s very handy; folds up to the size of a piece of “carry on” luggage at the pull of a knob…it’s quite impressive to see it in motion. originally I was going to give away Soca Scooter but I have discovered that I need to be a “2-scooter” person. yuh see, SS2.0 is not very conducive to partying. indulge me…
When I go to parties, I usually stand up for most of the time and it’s quite comfortable to do so on SS. additionally, it’s a seamless process for those who might want to buss a wine to do so with ease.
Don’t get me wrong, we roll all the time and he is my regular ride but when it’s time to fete, I hadda roll with old faithful – busted up as he might be.
Anyhoo, time will surely tell what bacchanal Stax4.25 and I will get into.