Settle down…
This is a PG blog 😉
My OT made me use this first. It’s a machine that (u guessed it) vibrates that helps patients with spasticity. My left side is spastic – it’s the reason that my left hand curls up and the leg gets so stiff. The word that the therapists use to describe spasticity is “tone”. So the vibration machine is used to break up the tone in my body.
Personally I feel that should be re-evaluated cuz isn’t that one of the reasons i’m in the gym at the crack of dawn every Tuesday and Thursday morning? to tone up? now u want me to break my tone up!…anyhoo, i digress.
Not the one at Shepherd Center but u get the drift |
The platform u see there is the vibrating part and my OT had me place my hands on it for a few minutes. It felt weird cuz it was going at HI speed/second in my book. Did it break up the tone in my hand and make any difference? Yes. A little…as soon as she stopped it. Wasn’t anything to write home about tho. A week later, my PT suggested I stand on it. Now. I eh go lie, I was a lil skeptical because I was unsure of how I’d function after being on it. If my quads get massaged or stretched too vigourously, my walking is all out of sorts so all the vibrating on the legs? Hmmmm I wasn’t sure. Anyway, I stepped up and she turned it on. The shit had me scared. The vibrations were so powerful that try as I might to keep my legs relaxed, i couldn’t. I mean for most of the time I was on it, my body was straight as a pin. I was very leery, but push come to shove, I had Soca Scooter so I guess I won’t walk as much if things go to shit.
Well. Lemme tell you! I got off that thing and took a step and
allyuh! It was the most normal I’d felt in however many years that I’d been using walking aids. It was AMAZING! I couldn’t believe it. My PT even remarked that my movements looked smooth and effortless as I walked around the room. Unfortunately that was my last PT session. I didn’t know how long the effect would last but I was sure it wasn’t going to be forever so…I bought one for here. It’s not as powerful but it certainly does help with the stiffness of my leg – usually i need help to bend it (especially if i have to sit in the front seat of a car) and that task is so much easier to do now. I definitely notice a difference. used to be that if i was lying on my back, it was pretty much impossible for me to bring my knee to my chest on my own. while using the machine? not a problem for the most part.
By the way, yesterday I got the call from Shepherd Center that they received my prescription for PT/OT and by the way “just need to make sure you know that there’s a waiting list…and right now, it’s taking about 2 months to get in”. so here we go…playing the waiting game as usual for all things MS.
hol it dong…Stax
I certainly am going to try.
Was talking about you to an MS patient Yesterday , she says to keep that spirit. Unfortunately she is wheel chair bound.
I like that you felt a difference, loving that.
I like that you felt a difference, loving that.