i’m breathing a sigh of relief…things weren’t as bad as i orignally thought they were, so everything’s well with the world again.
i started physical therapy this morning. I was going last year and then i don’t remember what happened, but i stopped going – started back this morning. This place was recommended by the MS Sociey of GA so i’m hopeful (i know that there can be no guarantees). Things went well; we’ll see how it goes this time around. it’ll be 1 hr sessions each time – havent decided if i will go once or twice weekly yet. she did her evaluation and as usual i tested well. I have noticed that all my muscles when tested individually work really well and are always strong.
- they push down on my knees and tell me to push up and vice versa? done
- pull up on my feet and tell me to resist and vice versa? no problem
- in a seated position, they try to close my legs while i push out? piece of cake etc etc
anyhoo, so this is the 1st day of many more to come, and as i said – i’m hopeful, so we’ll see…